The New Paradigm of Health Care- Spirit-Mind-Body and Nature-Based Healing

The New Paradigm of Health Care- Spirit-Mind-Body and Nature-Based Healing

Interview with Julie Wentz ...more

physical health ,emotional health &mental health

January 24, 202528 min read

Is Your Toothbrush Killing You? 5 Keys to Oral Health and Your Longevity

Is Your Toothbrush Killing You? 5 Keys to Oral Health and Your Longevity

Interview with Lynelle Deroo ...more

physical health ,emotional health &mental health

January 12, 202519 min read

Oral Health - The Missing Link in Cancer and Chronic Illness

Oral Health - The Missing Link in Cancer and Chronic Illness

Interview with Dr Patricia Berube ...more

physical health ,emotional health &mental health

December 29, 202431 min read

Protecting Your Medical Data and Health Freedom

Protecting Your Medical Data and Health Freedom

Interview with Twila Brase ...more

physical health ,emotional health &mental health

October 27, 202422 min read

Saving Your Child from PANDAS

Saving Your Child from PANDAS

Interview with Dr OHara ...more

physical health ,emotional health mental health &childrenshealth

October 21, 202424 min read

Will You and Your Loved Ones Survive a Hospital Stay?

Will You and Your Loved Ones Survive a Hospital Stay?

Interview with Grace's Dad - Scott Schara ...more

physical health ,emotional health mental health &childrenshealth

September 28, 202418 min read

Discovering Hidden Food Triggers

Discovering Hidden Food Triggers

Interview with James White ...more

physical health ,emotional health mental health &childrenshealth

August 31, 202428 min read

The Power of Art to nurture our children

The Power of Art to nurture our children

Interview with George Miller ...more

physical health ,emotional health mental health &childrenshealth

July 13, 202422 min read

Who dares to speak truth amidst the transgender horrors that threaten our children?  Whistleblowing In the Era of Medical Corruption and Illness

Who dares to speak truth amidst the transgender horrors that threaten our children?  Whistleblowing In the Era of Medical Corruption and Illness

Interview with Eithan Haim ...more

physical health ,emotional health mental health &childrenshealth

June 02, 202428 min read

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(850) 404-2540