Scott Schara

Will You and Your Loved Ones Survive a Hospital Stay?

September 28, 202418 min read

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In this episode, I introduce you to Scott Schara

He is a nationally recognized expert commentator on the medical murder agenda in America, and the dangers of incentivized healthcare. Scott’s research proves that this practice of medical murder is intentional—and by design. The father of Grace Schara, a 19-year-old with Down syndrome who was killed by St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Ascension Health), Scott is on a mission to spotlight the crimes of the American medical system.

He has shared his insights, research, and personal story through hundreds of television, radio, and podcast appearances, and also hosts his own show, “Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad,” which can be found on Rumble and on all major podcast platforms.

His work and story have been chronicled in a chapter of the Wall Street Journal Bestseller Rise of the Fourth Reich by Steve Deace and David Horowitz (Post Hill Press, 2023), and his writing has also appeared in Assault on the Image of God by David Fiorazo (Bowker, 2023).

His landmark lawsuit in the murder of his daughter, Scott Schara v. Ascension Health et al., is underway in Wisconsin Circuit Court, and will see a jury trial in November 2024.

Today he speaks about:

Grace's Story and the Lawsuit (0:04)

Grace's Life and Final Days (2:37)

The Role of Grace's Death (9:41)

Lessons from Grace's Death (14:38)

Preparation for Hospital Visits (23:33)

Join me for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself to learn more about the importance of preparation before going to the hospital.

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Intro  0:00 

Welcome to Mommy Heal Thyself.  We featured guests that provide you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to say no to a life of pain and suffering all forms of preventable disease, toxic drugs and unnecessary surgeries. We hope to inspire you to boldly reclaim your ability to heal, and to serve ones to love.

Dr Michelle  0:10  

Welcome everyone to another episode of mommy heal thyself today I have with me Grace's dad, also known as Scott shara, he is a nationally recognized expert commentator on the medical murder agenda in America and the dangers of incentivized health care. Scott's research proves that this practice of medical murder is intentional and by design. The father of grace Shara a 19 year old with Down Syndrome who was killed by st Elizabeth's Hospital ascension health, Scott is on a mission to spotlight the crimes of American medical system. He has shared his insights, research and personal story through hundreds of television, radio podcast appearances, and is also a host of his own show, deprogramming with Grace's dad, which can be found on rumble on all major platforms. His work his story, have been chronicled in a Chapter of The Wall Street Journal's bestseller, Rise of the Fourth Reich by Steve deesh and David Horowitz. And His writing has also appeared in assault on the image of God by David ferrazzio, his landmark line suit in the murder of his daughter Scott Shara versus ascension health at all is underway in Wisconsin circuit court, and we are soon to see a jury trial in november 2024 which is what? Two months away, one month away, Scott, interestingly,

Scott Schara  1:49  

I'm glad you brought that up,

Unknown Speaker  1:53  

because on july 29 the trial was

Scott Schara  2:00  

full second it was going to be moved because we added a six doctor. So then they have to give the doctor time to hire an attorney and prepare all of that. So we knew that was the risk of adding them, but we needed to add them because

Unknown Speaker  2:20  

the legal shenanigans that go

Scott Schara  2:23  

on. I'm really glad you called that out. I benefit

Dr Michelle  2:26  

Well, you know, we're getting ahead of ourselves, so let us backtrack to understand why we are even in the midst of this lawsuit. So tell us a little bit more about your Beautiful Grace and her story, my

Scott Schara  2:42  

wife and

Unknown Speaker  3:02  

I earlier, named her grace after God's creation, and she was

Scott Schara  3:08  

the best thing God ever gave us.

Unknown Speaker  3:18  

I'll just say a little bit about grace. Program

Scott Schara  3:22  

is all for function, partially

Unknown Speaker  3:30  

because got paid for that way, partially because we never

Unknown Speaker  3:32  

vapor anything, partially because we chose to help school

Unknown Speaker  3:41  

my way. We Know

Unknown Speaker  4:26  

going on. I

Unknown Speaker  4:46  

What happened, why I'm here, Grace's last year. I took her to the

Scott Schara  4:53  

hospital on October 6, because he had fallen

Unknown Speaker  5:02  

traps with us. Ultimately,

Scott Schara  5:09  

she really just had a goal. However, we were monitoring

Unknown Speaker  5:21  

a whole good job In a Chapter. Now that I

Scott Schara  5:42  

understand covid. Found, we got a monitoring for oxygen saturation level on the morning of October 6, that number dropped us protocols, that's an emergency we would have never presented. Ultimately, ER

Unknown Speaker  6:07  

physician, let's see what

Scott Schara  6:11  

preventative protocol will check her to the hospital for three four days, put her on pathogen and get her home, if they would have only done that. Short version

Unknown Speaker  6:25  

of Grace's story

Unknown Speaker  6:29  

precedence in

Unknown Speaker  6:34  

a 25 minute window for

Scott Schara  6:42  

euthanasia. 10

Unknown Speaker  6:49  

minute window. Ultimately, at this point, I

Unknown Speaker  6:51  

was not in the hospital. Two days earlier, our

Unknown Speaker  6:56  

daughter Jessica was with grace,

Unknown Speaker  6:59  

my wife and I on a FaceTime call

Unknown Speaker  7:01  

at 718,

Scott Schara  7:07  

a guy on a basement and he was panicking. He said, Yeah, interestingly, that morning, the doctor involved us and said, grace is such a good day yesterday. Let's work on nutrition. Let's get her out of bed and fall live. And because of the losses, like clearly now, because of because we have the records and the phone records and all of that overlay everything along with our discovery.

Unknown Speaker  7:33  

So Jessica called us panicking,

Scott Schara  7:36  

so we started screaming. There was nurses in the hallway. They would refuse to come in the room. So I suggested the nursery again, so we start all screaming just in the room, save our daughter, and the nurses hollered back from outside the room with a guard from at the door, they hollered back. She had a heart. You got necessity.

Unknown Speaker  8:02  

What are you talking so we scream back,

Unknown Speaker  8:04  

she's not in our state

Scott Schara  8:07  

or daughter, there's a reversal drug that they're supposed to have bedside if they administer, and they're supposed to be nurse President. Well, they didn't do any of that. We watched three sky on that base at 7:27pm, joining us.

Unknown Speaker  8:23  

Other situations that morning, nutrition,

Scott Schara  8:37  

let's get her out of bed, get her home in the next several days ago, he had already strapped her down to the bed and later deprecated the bed before the fall. While we were on the call, unbeknownst to us, Grace had already been on precedents for four and a half days, and they increased the dose to the maximum allowable flower on the fall. And then simultaneous was hanging up the phone. He put the illegal Do Not Resuscitate Order on racism chart. So ultimately, once I,

Unknown Speaker  9:07  

once I realized what happened,

Scott Schara  9:11  

I became a full time analytical researcher, podcaster on podcast events, because we're jumping in. He thought he was calling us to fight. I

Unknown Speaker  9:30  

own a business. I got running the business

Scott Schara  9:41  

easy. I'll five. Glad to do it.

Unknown Speaker  9:48  

We're saving lives.

Unknown Speaker  9:51  

Just one more piece to Michael. We look

Unknown Speaker  9:54  

at Genesis, 5024,

Scott Schara  10:00  

5025, that Grace's murder has saved many, many, many ways, also

Unknown Speaker  10:14  

spiritually. Of

Scott Schara  10:17  

course, my wife is literally getting a hospital right now, today, we're involved with the hospital rescue. Just while I was driving my studio with the lady we're trying to get her out special needs,

Unknown Speaker  10:38  

she was not prepared.

Unknown Speaker  10:41  

Oh my goodness, there's just so much.

Dr Michelle  10:48  

There's just so much to unpack. I muted myself because I just wanted to jump in on everything, because there's just so much there, and I have to discipline myself to make sure that we hear Grace's voice, and that's really and truly when I know you're the one speaking, but I see grace in your face, and I know that she was sent here to awaken us. You know I I'm I'm struck by the fact that her being here was preordained, that she came in the body and in the form that she came in is even more of a condemnation of us in terms of what we have done in our society. You know, you started the story by reminding us that so many of our children that have Down syndrome are never allowed to even come into the world because they are not deemed to be worthy. They are not deemed to be whole. And yet, as you said, you know, one of my cousins is Down syndrome, and I will say that they are an elite group that truly resonates what love means in our world. You You cannot find a person that is more an embodiment of love than a person with Down syndrome. I don't know what it is about these children, these special, special people, that they are just always filled with that joy and that, that that ability to look at life and to appreciate life and the simplicity of the life, you know, and and they're, they're, they're, I think they are literally God's angels on earth, and when you have the blessing, I'm sorry,

Unknown Speaker  12:45  

I'll just give you a

Scott Schara  12:49  

very simple example that everybody let's say you do

Scott Schara  13:02  

preforce. Things in the data that are called lab. So you and I was the most part effect, right? So I would ask Grace like that, what was the what was the best thing about the day cream? And she would answer the same way. Every night, she would say everything, dad.

Dr Michelle  13:26  

No, no, this is what this is about, you know, because I really want this to be a celebration of grace and a celebration of her message to us when we think about our children, such as Grace, as I said, they are here to give us an opportunity to become a better version of ourselves. And all too often, we fail in that particular endeavor. As you said, nine out of 10 of our beautiful angels are not even permitted to come into this world because we fail to recognize that it is about who we choose to be and who we choose to level up into. And that's why we named this podcast mommy healed thyself, you know, because our message to everyone is we need to constantly level up. We need to be deserving of our children, not the other way around. And that was the message of grace from beginning to her end. So that brings me into the last lessons that grace was able to teach us in those special moments, and they are the lessons of being aware, the lessons of recognizing that the white coats are not the experts, and to trust, to truly trust in the divine, even when the so called experts are telling you something else, right? So what I would love for you to do, Scott, is to take us through from more of a I guess you can say, like a detective perspective, in terms of what are the lessons that we need to learn when we are dealing with our loved ones in the encounter of going into a hospital? How do we need to approach that experience? What kinds of tools do we need to have Before we even get to the hospital. Right

Scott Schara  15:54  

so understand that that will go into place there because

Unknown Speaker  16:16  

somebody continues to

Unknown Speaker  16:19  

prepare for a medical business. What's

Scott Schara  16:20  

the reason our dad can always borrow? More because the police I better stop at a gas station because I don't know how

Unknown Speaker  16:34  

much gas I have to take.

Scott Schara  16:42  

Your Cash and belief,

Unknown Speaker  16:49  

every single person.

Unknown Speaker  16:53  

Where did that programming come from? Well,

Unknown Speaker  16:55  

I've done quite a deep guidance started for hypocritical,

Unknown Speaker  17:05  

if I did a hand on

Unknown Speaker  17:12  

the street and I have somebody program, what did the kids

Scott Schara  17:21  

do? Get question, they

Unknown Speaker  17:33  

want to know The truth, and that cost

Scott Schara  17:42  

to do, you anyway.

Scott Schara  18:11  

So now this other thing, oh my gosh, that

Unknown Speaker  18:21  

opens my eyes to. Looking

Scott Schara  18:22  

out for my best years to perfect all of the safety is illegal, and so they have perfected all these illegals, not lawful, but legal ways that they find it. So the doctors are legally protected, or they follow standards of care. Well, standards of care are written or death. So the standard of care for cancer, for example, chemo and radiation and cutting rates. Why is that standard of

Unknown Speaker  18:58  

care sizes behind energy care, they

Scott Schara  19:00  

have convinced us, not you and I, but they've convinced the medical staff for sure that rations here we don't have enough medical care to go around to this year to collectivism, which was put into law 1905 with the Jacobs university. University, government and childcare government changes your belief. So that's why I say intentional, and it's also by design. Why do I say by design? Because Satan, since the dark with man. Why? Because God made man in His image.

Unknown Speaker  19:53  

Because Satan hates Man, these

Unknown Speaker  20:00  

things in the ground and then our programming. Medical perspective,

Scott Schara  20:05  

medical profession side, what about our side? Programs? Do buy health insurance? I mean, you're an idiot if you don't buy health insurance.

Unknown Speaker  20:19  

Really peel back to layers, most people

Scott Schara  20:28  

cycling here, so you're fearful that you won't have enough money behavioral Center for Medicare medication for

Unknown Speaker  20:40  

the whole time. Federal

Unknown Speaker  20:46  


Unknown Speaker  20:48  

controls out there give a shock back to say, okay, so am I telling you the truth? Once

Unknown Speaker  20:58  

you realize the truth

Scott Schara  21:01  

now your action follows a new belief. So I mean, you should drop your health insurance. Drop your health insurance, you don't start asking the foolish questions. But when you get diagnosis answers, your question becomes, does my insurance pay for it? Well, that's the dumbest question. They're in a they're in on it. You don't follow the white coat, because the white coat can tell you, let's schedule your amniocentesis

Unknown Speaker  21:32  

abortion based on the amniocentesis, if it

Scott Schara  21:37  

shows a disability, the doctor is going to recompense that abortion. If you can

Unknown Speaker  21:42  

see this, this by design for

Scott Schara  22:00  

that was a long answer to your question, but it's the most important, because once you change your belief,

Dr Michelle  22:09  

and you know it's very important what you're saying, because that's what I tell all of my clients, that nothing can really shift for you, health wise, until you have a paradigm shift. And the first thing is to recognize who is the true source of healing, and it's no one in a white coat. And unfortunately, most of us have been programmed to believe that health and healing come in a white coat, with some people who have an alphabet soup after their names. And as you're saying, for us to recognize that those people have been trained by a system that is designed, deliberately designed to go contrary to life. And if you don't have that paradigm shift, then of course, all of your actions, all of your subsequent actions are going to be of a certain ilk. And so now that we have recognized that this paradigm, this quote, unquote healthcare system, is actually designed to promote death, now we go into the hospital with a completely different understanding. And so now we have a different set of tools in our toolkit. But what are some tools that we should have if we have a crisis moment and we have no other choice but to go into the hospital? Because what I say to people is, when it comes to acute care. You know, don't take me to the local herbalist. You know, if I get knocked over by a Mack truck, don't take me to the herbalist. Take me to the the nearest er, okay, but when I go into that, er, I need to have certain tools in my toolkit. So what are those different tools, Scott, that we should have when we go in with the right mindset you started

Unknown Speaker  24:11  

off with the perfect answer is that the hospital,

Unknown Speaker  24:15  

place of last resort, even last

Unknown Speaker  24:18  

resort becomes

Unknown Speaker  24:20  

the challenge because, for example, I got a hold up my risk

Unknown Speaker  24:26  

in January.

Scott Schara  24:31  

We had a relationship so the advanced prep, we had a relationship with a nurse practitioner. Because of what I'm doing, I'm a high risk candidate to go into a hospital across the whole country, right? Whole country, all of them I'm on their billboard.

Unknown Speaker  24:51  

Anyway, shot so she took

Unknown Speaker  24:56  

a picture practitioner, and

Scott Schara  25:01  

I was still talking. Her name is Brianna. Realized I can't go to the hospital, so she gave us protocol, antibiotics are not antibiotics, But antibiotics, peroxide, all of that.

Dr Michelle  25:27  

Here's how you do a provider

Scott Schara  25:46  

that is not here's how you determine if you're a trusted physical provider, not just their personality, that you'd like them, but they don't accept insurance, Medicaid, once they accept Medicare, Medicaid, their quadrus outside of the system. So that prevented a hospital estate from being hospital estate for me, whereas. Okay, so now you do have an objective again, you know I'm underlining the word objective, or you have an objective emergency. So now your advances prep for that objective emergency

Unknown Speaker  26:21  

got to have the power of attorney for healthcare. No

Unknown Speaker  26:23  

questions. We have

Scott Schara  26:26  

to have a medical directors documents. We have links to the website. So those are your documents. Power of Attorney, medical directors, then you have to have an advocate a weight

Unknown Speaker  26:45  

advocate, who you trust, have to have some position in

Scott Schara  26:52  

the hospital, because they will sneak in exactly And so you may need a couple, obviously, for a location, all right. So now you get to the hospital, the first thing we're going to watch a little screen. You cannot do that in a emergency. Then get the print out later on, if you can cross Off. Paradigm, paradigm and hiring the

Unknown Speaker  27:39  

past with more

Unknown Speaker  27:42  

meat, in smoking

Scott Schara  27:51  

cigarettes does the wrong color paint? That's the attitude

Unknown Speaker  28:00  

we need to have your

Scott Schara  28:02  

power have. You're hiring to rent a room of hiring. All right, so you get the medical director document, get that scan by the hospital online access to your medical records while you're there, because they will do things without your permission, like the DNR on grade. So in order to monitor things, you have to have online access to your medical chart. You can see if they're doing things behind your back. Been given vaccines behind their back, DNR is behind their back when it is the situation that we're involved right now. Yesterday, they came in, the lady already has said, no vaccine. Yesterday, they came in with the covid flu shot. Praise God. My wife was there, so she was able to stop it. The lady can't talk. This is real stuff, all right, so we went through the check in process, online access. So then the last thing I would say is the Advocate has to be educated on the term informed consent. Informed consent is two words, the doctor's responsibility. Is the informed part the advocate's responsibility. So this is where you get start asking, Why? Why? Why? What if you know the doctor says, I want to, I want to put your friend on precedent. Tell me, what are the advantages of precedence? What are the alternatives? What is the reason why you want to put it on precedence? All these different questions you're going to get. Investigative reporter, then at the end of that conversation, tell the doctor of definitely research a medical professional that I go outside, and I will get back to you by tomorrow morning. Schedule, the next step, if it's urgent, you can still

Transcribed by

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Dr Michelle Gamble DN

DR. MICHELLE GAMBLE, DN is an author, educator, mentor, and speaker who specializes in assisting persons with chronic illness to heal themselves so they can break free from pain and frustration and live with power, protection, promise, purpose, promise, prosperity, and peace. She has been a professional educator for over 25 years and a natural health care provider for over 15 years. Dr. Gamble is also the mother of five children. She travels globally and around the country speaking and consulting with individuals and groups.

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