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What do you do when you don’t trust your Doctor?

November 20, 202325 min read

Today's Valuable Free Resources/Links:

·        FREE resource  2 weekly webinars on various health topics by experts at no charge.


In this episode, I introduce you to Dr Thomas Lewis.

Dr. Lewis is a medical scientist trained at MIT (PhD) and the Harvard School of Public Health.

He also extended his training under 2 Harvard Clinicians, Dr. Clement Trempe and Kilmer McCully (the pioneer of the homocysteine theory of cardiovascular disease).

He runs a low-cost virtual chronic disease measurement and reversal program.

He will be speaking about:

Premature births and children's health. (0:05)

Alternative healthcare and standard of care. (3:14)

Health mechanisms and their impact on well-being. (8:11)

Iodine deficiency and its impact on health. (16:35)

Interpreting labs and optimizing health. (21:21)

Holistic approach to healthcare. (26:01)

Health and wellness with a medical professional. (33:35)

Join me for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself to learn what you can do if you don’t quite trust your doctor.

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Intro  0:00 

Welcome to Mommy Heal Thyself.  We featured guests that provide you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to say no to a life of pain and suffering all forms of preventable disease, toxic drugs and unnecessary surgeries. We hope to inspire you to boldly reclaim your ability to heal, and to serve ones to love.


Dr Michelle  0:33 

Welcome, everyone to our episode of mommy heal thyself. And today I have a wonderful guest with us. His name is Dr. Thomas Lewis. Now Dr. Lewis is a medical scientist. Who has been trained at MIT. Wow. And the Harvard School of Public Health. He also extended his training under to Harvard clinicians. Dr. Clement trampy and Kilmer McCauley the pioneer of the homocysteine theory of cardiovascular disease, he now runs a low cost chronic disease measurement and reversal program. Welcome Dr. Lewis, thank you for joining us today.


Dr Thomas Lewis  1:23 

Thank you so much, Michelle, for having me on today. I'm so excited to be here. Yes.


Dr Michelle  1:29 

So now, where we entered into this conversation, I met you just recently at the children health defense conference, and I was talking to you about the fact that more and more people don't trust your doctors. Don't trust the medical system. Don't trust our government. And I'm concerned because it's one thing not to trust all of these different players. But then what do you do about it?


Dr Thomas Lewis  1:55 

I'm a medical advisor. Science Advisor, the Children's Health defense, and Brian Booker is the head of the organization in terms of science and medicine. And we've agreed verbally to run a mummys health podcast or children's health defense because see in America, just see reason why you don't trust your doctor is the results speak for itself. So in America 12 and a half percent of births are premature. In Europe, only six and a half percent. So huge difference, and when they're premature, they've lost a lot of development that would happen in utero. So it's really a tragic event. We don't want our children getting off on the wrong foot. And that's exactly what a premature birth is. Your brain is literally saying, in a harsh environment, this fetus may not be viable. This this emerging baby may not be viable. And then of course, we have modern medicine that can help in some degrees. But what what we're doing right now, Dr. Gamble is, you know, there's a lot of people talking about a parallel health system. But if we're going to have a parallel health system, it has to look at least structurally like the existing health system. Otherwise people are like, it's just too much, too much change. So the most foundational thing we did is in looking at the standard of care what your traditional doctor that accepts insurance does. is look at how they interpret data they get on you, for example, labs and they, they might ask questions, and then come to a diagnosis and they call that their evidence based medicine. But in my opinion, looking at what's happened in America is their evidence is actually their most their biggest vulnerability. So what we've done over the last 20 years it takes that long to really do it right is dive into the literature, the uncorrupted medical literature that goes way back and build we built an evidence based platform they just give you an example. You go to your doctor and you get a cholesterol level. Okay. And what is it based on? They say, Oh, that's that's the LDL is too high. Your total cholesterol is too high. We're going to put you on a drug. But is it really too high? And in fact, if you look at really good studies, even new ones, the ranges that they're using for normal Iran and so I one example I use is Korea, which has a very good single payer health care system and they've published a study on cholesterol looking at 12 Point 8 million people. Wow. And the optimal cholesterol to have based for longevity and morbidity, which is disease. Yeah. 235. Wow. Wow. And that data is supported over and over and over again in the literature, if you read it, so what I what I tell people to do is when they're when they see something that doesn't make sense, and they're reading something, and like Cleveland clinic or something like that says, blah, blah, blah, but whatever follows the buck is almost always an untruth, almost always an untruth to justify the same old thing they've been doing forever, which leads to 12 and a half percent of premature birth rate as an example, or exorbitant chronic diseases. You know, the CDC says that 60% of adults in America have at least one chronic condition. And now the numbers for children and adolescents is up at around 50%. It's outrageous. And if we have this beautiful health care system, Why is everybody so unhealthy? It's a sick care system. So


Dr Michelle  5:52 

now, in creating the parallel health system, what should people be looking for because there are all kinds of things that are popping up right now and it can be overwhelming. And I know people want to know, what do they need to look out for and what should they stay away from?


Dr Thomas Lewis  6:12 

That's really interesting, really interesting question because right now we don't have a real coordinated system in the alternative space and I don't like the I like the the alternative space where the term I use is we have standard of care your regular doctors, and when we really want to get to is the standard of health. You want to be cared for, or do you want to be healthy? So the standard of health let's see functional doctors is no real formal education. They've you know, they've been trained in medical school or chiropractic school, or whatever they have. And now they've studied on their own to become, you know, much more fluent on on on disease, but a lot of them have a case with my daughter, so you have to be careful. My daughter hired a functional medicine doctor $5,500 for a full year. And, you know, full access she went every week that the doctor would DarkField Microscopy found yeast or blood, and he spent the year eradicating the easterner blood which he did very successfully. Unfortunately, it didn't help her health situation at all. Okay, so there are a lot of rabbit holes, you can go down. Yeah, so I was blessed with my mentors, Trump and Mick Macaulay. They kind of showed me that they they taught me to look at things not from diagnostic codes or from mechanisms. So, ICD 10, which is the standard of care diagnostic system has 68,000 codes in the previous version only had 24,000 or 18,000. Now we have 68,000. We we function based on mechanisms. And I think it's really important that even though this may sound complicated, you go to your doctor and you ask them what their approach is. How do they go about elucidating what's really going on peel the how they peel the onion back. That's extraordinarily important. In our world. There are five mechanisms that drive all diseases. So we've we've developed and I'm working hard to distribute this just you know, what's also lacking is you pay an exorbitant amount for health insurance. And then you have exorbitant co pays, and exorbitant deductibles. Yeah. So now you go to a doctor like my my daughter did and you got to pay out another five grand, horrible. So one of the things I'm working on is an interface with an emerging health insurance company, so that you can actually subscribe to a health insurance company. It gives you a lot of choices, including functional doctors. Wow. open ocean health is the name of the company open ocean health Alam. They've been at it for about 10 years and they're in the fundraising process, but that's the train has left the station, and they're starting to work with self funded organizations. Now, self funded organizations are companies where you pay into a health plan and the company insurance your your health, but ultimately, there's only one payer that you exactly you are the you know, either your put your company fund or you pull it in into a health insurance fund, but still you are the payer, so you don't get any choice. It's outrageous.


Dr Michelle  9:31 

Can you go back into water when we're looking at working with someone and you're saying instead of having them going under down all of these different rabbit holes that instead that they should be focusing on five mechanisms. So what are those five mechanisms that they should be focusing on? You


Dr Thomas Lewis  9:49 

use zero right and and you met Dr. Carter, my partner and he coined the concept the hierarchy of health. And it's a very, it may sound complicated, but it's a very simple concept. When you're building a home, a house, you don't start with a roof. You start with a foundation. Exactly. So our five mechanisms really boiled down to you weren't number one, you are not what you eat, you are what you absorb. Okay, and that all has to do with the gut. So for example, if you're eating really well, but your guts a mess, your physiology sees junk food. Exactly. You're just wasting a lot of money and time. So the number one thing that anybody should work on, and I do I do very robust surveying. And what appears to be the number one complaint is lack of energy then chronic plant pain, then sleeplessness, but when I read between the lines what they're really telling me, is this some level of gut dysbiosis and they are not regular every day. You know, a good you know, some nice go stools, if you will, and things like that your guts a mess. No, it's that simple. So if you don't fix that, and then what does that do? It makes everything so like if you're not sleeping well. You know, you're not getting the happy hormones which are made in your gut. You're not getting you're not if you have brain fog, you're not getting the good neurotransmitters that are made in the gut. It's called the enteric nervous system. So that's number one of our five mechanisms. The second one is what I call Thrive versus survive. It might be better understood as fight or flight. If you're constantly anxious, weary, you know nervous about finances, relationships, whatever. That is a major stressor. So think about it the same way as like, when you see a lion. You turn white as a ghost. Why? Because your brain goes into fight or flight. It puts all the blood into your legs, you can run the heck out of there. When you're stressed. You take your limited bandwidth of immunity away from your immune system or fight things to overcome the ramifications of stress. You're much more you're much more vulnerable. Okay? So it's a very important thing. So I tell people and that's mechanism to I'll get on but I tell people to consider mimicking for cultures that live very long and healthy. The Japanese outlive us by seven years. And they they have a very nice culture, they respect to their elders, they respect every occupation. They eat a lot of fish and sea vegetables with iodine. That's one of the missing things that Koreans are seeing the greatest increase in longevity and if you're a vendor authentic Korean restaurant, it's fermented dish after fermented dish after fermented this supports the gut. Now the Asian Indians, you know that no known for the longevity but they're actually very healthy people. They are in spice foods tremendously. And herbs and spices are full of nutrient density. Yes. So it's very important. And then the last one, which will seem a little strange, but it goes with a fight or flight, thrive versus survive. mechanism is Jamaica. Really awkward. Don't worry, be happy. No, Klaus Schwab Bill Gates. Ukrainian conflict what's going on in Palestine in Israel? Look, don't over Don't worry. Be happy. Do you and be happy turn off the radio, turn off the TV, turn off the YouTube. Turn off all that stuff.


Dr Michelle  13:34 

You know, I recently heard Dennis Prager and he said that happiness is our moral obligation. You know, it's not a choice. It's our moral obligation. Because by us choosing to be happy. We are impacting our world. So I love that you're emphasizing that as one of the mechanisms. When


Dr Thomas Lewis  13:57 

you look at the centenarians, the Blue Zones. One of the things that they have the real common denominator, communities, connections to friends and family. And so you can you can spread your burdens out on these people and lower your stresses. That's why it's so important. Absolutely. Then the next myth mechanism is subacute or chronic infections that aren't appreciated. So for example, we run blood testing and it's called an immunoglobulin G. We often know what that is, but every doctor that that practice standard of care says that's a that's a past infection. It's completely wrong. Like my daughter with really low energy had just IgG very high Epstein Barr and I treated her her Epstein Barr came down. Yeah, and energy went up. So so many ins you know, in if you look at the traditional things on mortality, number one is cardiovascular. Number two is cancer. And number three is actually hydrogenic medical mistakes, but in my opinion, the real list is number one, if we look globally, third world, it's acute infections, you know, children in the third world often many of them don't make it to the age of six because of infection. Yeah. But then the next biggest cause of death, in my opinion, is not a cardiovascular disease. It's what's underlying cardiovascular disease and cancer. It's chronic infections.


Dr Michelle  15:30 

The hidden stuff that no one pays attention to because it's become part of the noise, the background noise, where you're just like, oh, this is just the way I am kind of and


Dr Thomas Lewis  15:40 

you have the Nautilus in the background, which is a spot it's a logarithmic spiral. Yes. And that explains that and that's our logo to it has a nautilus the spiral, and that explains the complexity of why you know the pharmaceutical industry has done so well. We're programmed to instantaneous gratification. But see, chronic disease emerges like like descending down the spiral of the Nautilus. It doesn't happen like that. And guess what, if it doesn't happen like that, it doesn't reverse like that either. We have to spiral back up the Nautilus if you will, to get healthy. Another mechanism is just nutrient density. We have to increase nutrient density in our foods period. And if we have the supplement to augment these nutrients, so some of the most prolific deficiencies are iodine. The Japanese outlive us. We have a Goya belt in America which is this thyroid that's expanded because a lack of iodine but iodine is critical to energy. magnesium, magnesium, calming to the brain we have so many people with with anxiety and things like that and even cramps that's a big problem. Potassium under appreciated as a nutrient potassium and sodium, the ying and yang you know, it's called the called active transport the sodium potassium pump there are three sodium is and two potassium to make things go into an audio cells. If you don't have potassium, you know you're living in your house but the the rubbish Man Man, the rubbish person never comes gets pretty ugly. That's why you need to these are these are some of the major deficiencies and of course, vitamin D, you know, and everybody is deficient in iodine, vitamin D, you know, when I say everybody, I mean like bell curve, you know, largely there.


Dr Michelle  17:39 

Let me ask you a question, because that's interesting that you're saying that many, many people have iodine deficiency. Can you explain to us why or how is that possible when we have iodized salt and everybody's, you know, picking out on the salt anyway.


Dr Thomas Lewis  17:54 

Well, hark back to the cholesterol example where they're the reference ranges down here, but the actual optimal ranges over here, they're completely wrong. So in iodine, 150 micrograms is barely adequate to maybe keep the thyroid operating at a minimal level. But see, iodine plays so many other roles as an anti infective as an anti cyst that the Japanese once again, I'm going to them because they live the longest, very low incidence of breast cancer. So high iodine really helps ameliorate that. I am right now doing a protocol. I'm not going to give the protocol away mainly because it requires, you know, a blood test and see where you really are. So it's not a one size fits all, but I'm doing a program that David Brownstein developed which involves iodine, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D and a little selenium which is the cofactor for the iodine. As an as an antioxidant, it also helps enzymes convert the make the iodine available to the thyroid. Okay, and I have had this program. Are you sitting down and functional doctors are crazy about it. $5 a month. Are you firing dollars a month? So let me tell you a story. How is that even possible? $5 a month. I'll send you the protocol and you can consult with some of your patients but I'll give you I'll give you two testimonials. One came in yesterday. One is my my daughter listens to this conservative radio station, and she found out two loves the guy found out that his adopted son at the age of 28 is on a cane with reading pain at level eight every day. And by weird coincidence, he moved to my little town in Jefferson City, Tennessee who heard about it. So I met him in person at a coffee shop and sure enough he walks in hobbling with a cane Yeah, like ankles a swan and all that. I put them on this $5 a month program and and it's it's a four day pulse. Every month. Just keep doing it. I tell people and by round two, he was off his cane working out five days a week. And a C reactive protein which is inflammation came down from 25 to seven. We're not done yet. We've only done two rounds and I haven't pulled off the guns yet but that's all natural. No pharmaceuticals $5 a month. Wow. So yesterday I had a lady with extraordinarily high liver enzymes and high ferritin at iron storage. Wow. Interesting. She did two rounds of this two rounds. That's all she did. And I always put people on probiotics because the most important thing Yeah, you know, not just probiotics, but probiotics and an eco system to make the probiotics work to form colonies. And from August to to now. Her liver enzymes went from very high to normal. And her ferritin came down from 630 should be around 100 to 180


Dr Michelle  21:15 

Wow, that is amazing. $5 a month. Wow. So


Dr Thomas Lewis  21:23 

of course you need a console because we need to make sure that that you you know, we can't go high doses even with good, good. Yeah. Zero to 60 We have to ramp you up slowly. And you know,


Dr Michelle  21:39 

you're bringing up a very important issue which is that, you know, sometimes people will go to these various functional medicine doctors or whatever. And they implement a protocol and because it's so costly, they don't follow up and is like how do you know what's happening on what you need to do if you're not following up? So you're you're saying you've got to be able to monitor you know, you don't just try something and walk away and leave the pot on the stove. You know, you've got to keep on seeing and adjusting and really making sure that it it fits that particular individual. Love it. So


Dr Thomas Lewis  22:17 

I'm gonna give you some tips in a second. I'm gonna give you the last mechanism. Explain how we interpret labs from a scientific perspective, not a population, non scientific. If the last mechanism which you have control of is lack of autophagy autophagy where you basically take care of the garbage again, okay, and there are two things that lead to lack of autophagy number one, you're never giving your digestive system a break. You're eating three meals a day and snacking. And number two, you're sitting as we say at polling on your dupa too much and like getting out in the sunshine and moving do pays your your sweet buttons. Okay. So let me let me explain. Let me explain about the labs. So when you look at a reference range for labs with your doctor, then your care doctors using to determine whether you're healthy or not. A cell populations, not on science. So exactly in general people don't get labs priming.


Dr Michelle  23:22 

It's a mathematical equation. It has nothing to do with actual No, no,


Dr Thomas Lewis  23:26 

they're just doing statistics on people, which is not at the root cause so people go to the doctor and generally less healthy than people who don't and you might say well, some people are unhealthy. Don't go to doctor well, you eventually wind up there. Okay, so So what we've seen is the reference ranges were like this, and then we over and this is my mentor told me, you know, Dr. McCauley is 90 years old. He said reference ranges were very different when I started practicing in the late 60s. The reference ranges were like this, and then they like this. And now they're like this and sometimes they move like this but wider. So what we did, my mentor dr. Trump does Dr. imaginable he said to me, Tom, mortality is the most important endpoint. And it's, it's not like a different type of cart. You know, one type of cardiovascular vessel disease and mortality. Everybody it's the same endpoint there, right? So what I did is I traded lab values to early all cause mortality risk. Okay, so it doesn't matter. Black White woman, female out woman man, child. older person, you know, from Korea, because I talked about 12 point 8 million Koreans and you might say, I'm not Korean, but you know, we're 99.9 plus percent genetically the same. So we titrate labs and give you a really robust report with little speedometers so we give you an overall score. So it's very easy to understand where you are, we call it the health disease continuum. We placed you on the health disease continuum with a single score, and then show you how we break it down based on early mortality risk. So the nice thing is, when you go and get that second set of labs, you can see it's not like where do I see your active protein goal? You want to measure your overall health so we're showing you how you are optimizing based on multiple labs. Wow.


Unknown Speaker  25:20 

Nice now,


Dr Thomas Lewis  25:23 

this this could be controversial to functional doctors, but if they're not focusing on some basic things, nutrition, supplementation, gut health, vascular health because the vascular system drives everything, and that their favorite thing is heavy metal toxins, and mold. Okay, I'm not saying these things aren't a problem. But they're usually secondary or tertiary. Tertiary to higher level things. So I think everybody needs to ask the doctor, their doctor, three basic questions. Okay. Okay, here they are. And it's it's all encompassing, but you need to have them drill down the answer. Number one, what do you do to support the most foundational thing in my body absorption? What is your program for gut enhancement? Even if my gut is good? If your doctor doesn't have a program for that, they don't understand how to build a foundation. Exactly. Number two, they need to do testing and consider deficiencies of any type in in your life. Like if you're eating you know, processed food or junk food or you live in a certain area of the world where, you know, northern latitudes, you're not getting enough vitamin D, that's a deficiency. These are the things that they need to look at. And the third thing is looking at excesses. So gotten deficiencies, excess is really simple. And whereas an excess, you know, then you can look at the toxins but the number one excess, when you look at innate immunity and adaptive immunity with white blood cells are these stealth infections and you know lime lime is very common. I'm controversial and saying the number one source of Lyme disease is the oral cavity. And the reason is Lyme is a town in Connecticut. So it's just a syndrome, and it's usually associated with a tick bite, and the tick by the tick may deliver what's called a spiral Keadle or spiral shape. Here we go the novelist again, species bug, bacteria that can drill into your cells and they create a lot of damage in your vessels in your brain, things like that. So why the oral cavity because a lot more people have teeth than you are bitten by a tick. Okay, that's obvious, right? But but see me I don't have a root canal which is really a dead tooth so infection can grow there. I just had cracks on my teeth since I was very young. And organisms can get in under the gum line. And no one's really caring for below the gum line. We're all doing and above the gum line. And look at how close the sinus is to the to the roots of the teeth. Look at how close the eyes are. Look at how close the brain is.


Unknown Speaker  28:25 

Oh yeah.


Dr Thomas Lewis  28:26 

Okay. So what we test we do our what's called an oral DNA. We do a lime line blot looking for the spiral kids. And then I asked questions about you have you have low energy? Do you have elevated heart rate? Do you have like a little arrhythmia? Very, very common. And so that's another thing I would say in the excesses column of things. If your functional doctor, integrative doctor and natural doctor is not having a conversation with you if you're even 40 and older, but we have young kids with oral problems and they're not asking you about the healthier mouth and not testing for it. Then you need to move on. Because these infections, the Scientific American in 2002 published oral and whole body health, premature births. I mentioned America as a lousy health oral health because of all the sugars really in the fluoride nasty to a lot of countries have banned fluoride, not us but when we'll get into that discussion, but the sugars some of these, some of these dental products have endocrine disruptors in there so we have low energy and low libido and things like that. You know, so the opportunity for integrative doctors to help you with your health. Not just because your doctor is failing you but your dentist is failing you too.


Dr Michelle  29:52 

So you've given us a lot to consider. And as I said this is a very important issue because many people are dissatisfied with their current providers. And they're looking into the world of quote unquote alternative or complementary or parallel however you want to explain it. And you have given us a lot of things for us to be able to ask those people when we are getting ready to you know, plunk down whatever additional cash that we want to plunk down because just because it's alternative just because it's complimentary does not mean that it's going to give you better outcomes than the one that you're running away from. So yeah, thank you so much.

Closing: Thank you for tuning in for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself, if you liked what we're doing here, please share subscribe, like us and leave a comment. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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Dr Michelle Gamble DN

DR. MICHELLE GAMBLE, DN is an author, educator, mentor, and speaker who specializes in assisting persons with chronic illness to heal themselves so they can break free from pain and frustration and live with power, protection, promise, purpose, promise, prosperity, and peace. She has been a professional educator for over 25 years and a natural health care provider for over 15 years. Dr. Gamble is also the mother of five children. She travels globally and around the country speaking and consulting with individuals and groups.

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