Eithan Haim

Who dares to speak truth amidst the transgender horrors that threaten our children?  Whistleblowing In the Era of Medical Corruption and Illness

June 02, 202428 min read

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Interview Title: Who dares to speak truth amidst the transgender horrors that threaten our children?  Whistleblowing In the Era of Medical Corruption and Illness

Today's Valuable Resources/Links:

Website: https://x.com/EithanHaim

Resource Link: https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


In this episode, I introduce you to Dr Eithan Haim.

Dr. Haim is a General and Trauma Surgeon in Greenville, Texas. He recently finished his general surgery training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where he was a resident from 2018 to 2023. During this time, he helped expose Texas Children’s Hospital, the largest children’s hospital in the world, for lying to the public about the existence of their pediatric sex change program.

In May 2023, Dr. Haim served as the anonymous whistleblower in a story released by the journalist Christopher Rufo, which exposed that Texas Children’s Hospital continued and expanded its pediatric sex change program behind closed doors, despite announcing that the program shut down in March 2022. Within 24 hours of the story’s publication, the Texas Senate passed legislation banning surgical and hormonal interventions on children who believe they are transgender. The bill passed with bipartisan support thanks, in part, to Dr. Haim’s and Rufo’s story.

As a result of his anonymous whistleblowing, Dr. Haim is now being targeted for prosecution by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services for an unspecified crime. Due to the corrupt conduct of the prosecutor and agents involved in the case, in January 2024, Dr. Haim decided to take his story public. His attorneys also blew the whistle on the DOJ’s conduct in a letter to Congress.

Dr. Haim and his wife Andrea currently live in a small town outside of Dallas, Texas. They are expecting their first baby this fall.

Today he speaks about:

Whistleblowing in pediatric transgender surgery at Texas Children's Hospital. (0:18)

Manipulation, mutilation, and sterilization of children in a Texas hospital. (6:13)

Affirming gender identity in children, with criticism of medical interventions. (10:57)

Whistleblowing and intimidation by federal agents. (15:56)

Corruption and courage in the face of adversity. (20:35)

Protecting children from transgender ideology. (25:33)

Join me for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself to learn about this champion for truth and protector of our children.

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Intro  0:00 

Welcome to Mommy Heal Thyself.  We featured guests that provide you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to say no to a life of pain and suffering all forms of preventable disease, toxic drugs and unnecessary surgeries. We hope to inspire you to boldly reclaim your ability to heal, and to serve ones to love.

Dr Michelle  0:18 

Welcome everyone to another episode of mommy heal thyself and today we have a phenomenal guest with us. His name is Dr. Haim and he is a general and trauma surgeon in Greenville, Texas. He recently finished his general surgery training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where he was a resident from 2018 until 2023. During this time, he helped to expose the Texas Children's Hospital, the largest children's hospital in the world, for lying to the public about the existence of their pediatric sex change program. In May 2023, he has served as the anonymous whistleblower in a story released by the journalist Christopher Ruffo, which exposed the Texas Children's Hospital continued and expanded its pediatric sex chains program behind closed doors, and despite announcing that the program had been shut down in March 2022, within 24 hours of the story's publication, the Texas Senate passed legislation banning surgical and hormonal interventions on children who believe that they are transgender. The bill passed with bipartisan support thanks in part to his story, in Rufo story as a result of his anonymous whistleblowing he is now being targeted for prosecution by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services for an unspecified crime due to the corrupt conduct of the prosecutor and agents involved in this case, in January 2024. He decided to take his story public and his attorneys also believed that he blew the whistle on the DOJ is conduct in a letter to Congress. Now, he and his wife live in a small town outside of Dallas, Texas. And they are expecting their first baby this fall. So thank you so very much for joining us today.


Dr Eithan  2:29 

Yeah, thank you for having me on. Yeah, we're very excited to bring on Talia into the world.


Dr Michelle  2:36 

I mean, before we go into all of the gruesome stuff, tell me about this. Little fantastic bundle that you're expecting in the ball. Yeah,


Dr Eithan  2:44 

so I think now she's like a little bit, maybe less than the size of my fist. She has my nose because we saw it on the ultrasound. We had like a great side profile. She's like a really good talker. They're like me. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And, you know, she moves around a lot. And she's, she's perfect.


Dr Michelle  3:06 

Oh my gosh. And the reason why I love talking about babies is because I see it on your face that this is why you do what you do. Well, that's my assumption. I will let me not put words into your mouth. But tell us a little bit about


Dr Eithan  3:21 

Drew. Yeah, that's why I mean, it's like, I just couldn't imagine. Like living with myself. I knew that I didn't do something. And then, you know, my kids are brought into a world that is much more dangerous and chaotic. And like if you do the right thing, like you're going to be targeted by the government, like I couldn't stand behind, just let that happen. So I just felt obligated to try to do something about well,


Dr Michelle  3:47 

let's go back in time a little bit and just acquaint us with the generals, generals about the story. You know, what happened? When did it come to your awareness and why did you even decide to do anything at that point?


Dr Eithan  4:06 

Yeah, well, so like you said before, I was a general surgery resident from 2018 to 2023 at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, one of the best programs in the country. And one of the hospitals we spend the most time working with is Texas Children's Hospital. It really it's one most amazing places you can work at because what they do for the sick kids is unreal. I mean, they take the sickest kids and they make them better. But it was, you know, after COVID That you had this transgender ideology proliferate, where you would tell these confused, vulnerable young children that they were born in the wrong body and the only way to become correct is to to permanently, you know, commit themselves to a life of drugs and surgery. And if they didn't do that, you know, they were going to kill themselves. But I thought that this would happen in like Washington or New York or California but definitely not in Texas. And definitely not the hospital that I worked in. So I had learned that yeah, the hospital had released a statement in March of 2022. That said, unequivocally they were going to shut down their pediatric transgender program, but they said they're going to shut down because of the legal risks and that's an important point because it was only a few weeks before that the Attorney General of Texas issued an opinion saying that it could be investigated as child abuse. So kind of makes sense why they would release that statement, right. They want to release it so that they can cover themselves, they can reassure the people of Texas that they're not doing it, because they know that the people of Texas don't support something like this, if they were abusing kids like this. So it was shortly after that, that co-residents people I worked with in my program would come up to me and see that they had just implanted a puberty blocking device into some 1112 13 year old kid. They would tell me about all these psychiatric issues that were being addressed. You know, like these chaotic family environments where each person in the family was transgendered. And at first, I didn't believe it. Because I didn't think the hospital would lie. So egregiously, this is the biggest children's hospital in the world and for them to release this public statement, but then do something else behind closed doors. Like, I just didn't believe it. But then, right, I started believe it more when it became more frequently more people started telling me these stories about doing these surgeries and they were just getting more shocking. But then in January of 2023, the directors of the program, the transgender program that supposedly didn't exist, are given the opportunity to speak at the hospitals most prestigious Lecture Series, right. And they had on their own pediatricians to ask about gender identity behind the backs of their parents, right, they had encouraged, you know, this algorithmic approach for these confused kids, you know, with the lockers hormones and surgery, which would currently sterilize them. And there was even one, you know, there was a meeting between people in the transgender program and a bunch of medical students in January of 2023. A social worker talks about how she concealed her consultations she sent to the transgender clinic by calling it instead of writing it, instead of documenting it, I thought to myself, like, yeah, so they know that they're doing this, like they're lying, but they're making it a hospital priority, because the grounds lecture is the biggest lecture every week in the hospital, right. So the only way for someone to give that lecture is if it is a hospital priority. So many people who are participating in know about this line, and what this line is resulting in is the manipulation, mutilation and sterilization of these young kids. So, you know, I had a decision to make whatever I do about it. And you know, like, you had mentioned before, I mean, I couldn't imagine a world where I bring my daughter into that this kind of thing is accepted, and where she looks back and things like why did my dad do about it? Well, you know, I had do something but also there are these kids who are being abused by these doctors. Right. So that's when I made the decision to begin reaching out to journalists.


Dr Michelle  8:36 

You know, one of the things that I think is so key about what you just said was that you said it was startling that it was happening in Texas, and at the largest children's hospital in the world, because I think a lot of us make the mistake of believing Oh, well, it can't happen here. can happen in Florida. It can't happen. You know, in hockey, holy land where, you know, we are really strong advocates for our children. So I'm curious if you can give us a little bit more insight into how could this happen in someplace like Texas, under people's noses?


Dr Eithan  9:18 

Yeah, it's even worse than that. Because, you know, I work in a very, very small town like a very rural area, a very conservative area where people still hold good values. But this kind of thing is very prevalent there too. I heard a story about a teacher at middle school, a kid who identified as a cat in school and had provided them a litter box in the nurse's room to use a bathroom. But yet so the question is like, how's it happen? under our noses and I think, you know, our society, you know, we have we have become so tired of everything, right? That that tolerance has become a weakness that we forget that it's the boundaries we place the virtues we insist that people live up to that give life meaning and that when we allow people to, to self destruct, and to not live within the boundaries of reality, that that's not tolerant that's not virtuous. Like that is just encouraging the self destruction of these people. And I think that that's how it happens. Right? That and then also, you know, this slow progression to normalize this type of behavior, right? And, and not only is it were convincing people that they can become something completely different. When you should just tell them they're perfect the way they are like, you're beautiful. And then you can find a way to be happy within yourself. And, yeah, it's I think it's those things that are the primary drivers of it.


Dr Michelle  10:57 

And I think it's so key what you're saying that, you know, we're in this world where we think that it's virtuous to quote unquote, be tolerant of everything. Not paying attention to what is the effect on our children. And there's a to me a start line of distinction between, quote unquote, tolerance and ensuring the safety of our children at you know, a lot of people will say that I'm transphobic or whatever it is, and what I keep on sharing with people is that my heart goes out to these children and adults that are dealing with these these feelings and dealing with these variations of mental illness and and unfortunately, in our desire to navigate the world of PC. We're not choosing to protect our children, you know, we have been given the ability of being protectors to our children, and yet, we're not doing so you know, something, you know, we just had a recent article about chest feeding. And it just boggles my mind, because I was talking to a group of women who are part of a significant organization. And they were saying, Oh, well, we can't make these people feel badly because they just want to take care of their children. And, and in my mind, I keep on saying, Who is speaking on behalf of the children?


Dr Eithan  12:35 

Yeah, and especially when we're talking about chest feeding and pumping, toxic, drug laced fluid into the bodies of these children. You know, it's there's a certain point where it's, you know, yeah, they might feel bad but that's that's life, unfortunately, right? When you're putting these kids in danger when you're manipulating reality and then expecting other people to stay silent. No, sorry, like that. That's not acceptable. And I think that kind of goes back to what we were talking about earlier to like, how is this thing able to proliferate in, in areas where people still hold to, like basic virtues is, and is that exactly like, you know, it's the appearance of being nice of being tolerant, but really what we're doing is just aiding in the destruction of these people. Because if we really cared about them, right, we would say something because they have a greater amount of dignity to live up to.


Dr Michelle  13:37 

You know, I say to people, that it's it's as if, if someone came to me, who was anorexic, and said, Michelle, I think that I'm like, Gordo, the whale I need and I need for surgeon to go in and shave off some of this fat and do liposuction and all of this fat that that's making me look like Gordo the whale. You and I would look at this young lady and she looks like a skeleton. Are we affirming her by going in and doing liposuction and shaving off whatever little bit of flesh that she has? Left?


Dr Eithan  14:24 

Yeah, and you know, it's so shocking, because that's so true. And what's happened with these kids with unquote gender affirming care is so much worse because it's going down to like the core essence of who they really are. But take that example you mentioned right about the anorexic. Girl, right? If I had clinic tomorrow, right? And I had patient come in, and they were telling me that, you know, I'm anorexic. And, and I saw them they were they were, you know, a healthy size. And I say, Okay, you're anorexic. I'm gonna take you to the alar I'm gonna cut off all this fat in and do a gastric slice. To affirm you. Right? What would happen is I would lose my license probably to prison, right. So, at certain point, we have to ask ourselves, why is there this exception for this other area? Because by any logical analysis, what's happening with these kids who believe their transgender is much worse than the example we just provided?


Dr Michelle  15:25 

So one of the things I want us to delve into at this time is the concept of being a hero. I think that we live in a world where we don't have many heroes, especially not far children, people who are generally championing championing the need for us to elevate and protect our children by any means necessary. And I want us to perhaps delve into your story. What you thought would happen when you stepped out into the world of being a whistleblower, as opposed to what actually happened, which was a pleasant surprise to me because I totally did not realize this is what happened. Yeah,


Dr Eithan  16:18 

well, it just to give people a context. So after the story comes out on May 16 2023, I was the anonymous whistleblower in a story with Chris Ruffo. That had detailed how the hospital had lied to the public about the existence this program. They had said they shut down but they just continued and expanded behind closed doors. And, you know, the story came out at a perfect moment, because a day later the Texas Senate was voting on SB 14, which was a law that was going to ban these interventions in children who believe that they were transgender. And it was because our story came out the day before that there were multiple Democrats who voted in favor because they didn't know this kind of thing was happening in our districts. But then once our story came out, they couldn't deny it. And know this, because actually, I gave an introduction for the person who wrote that bill, Senator Tom Orbison, and he told me it was amazing that other whistleblowers come out in the hospital a couple of days later. Telling, I believe it was a nurse who told her story about your working in the clinic with his daughter and how these kids would be started on these medications. Without understanding anything, the parents didn't understand anything. And then the hospital for the second time in 14 months says he's going to shut down the program. Right? In accordance with passage of SB 14. So after that, everything just goes quiet. I mean, I just get back to my regular life. And it was a month later in June, that I was graduating from my surgical training. So is the day of graduation the ceremony? Yeah, which is really big day was June 23 2020. Right? It's like you've made all these sacrifices over the previous previous five years and you miss so many life events. You work 8090 100 hours a week, and you know, it's fine. They are graduates with a big deal. My family's there and it's 1112 in the early afternoon, we're getting ready for the ceremony and all of a sudden we get an aggressive knock on the door. I thought that's weird, right? So I shuffled over I open it. And standing outside are two federal agents with Health and Human Services. They show me their badges and tell me that they're investigating a case regarding medical records. So you in that moment, just completely freak out. But in the back of my mind, I knew that they were there to intimidate to instill fear, right, like a month before we had challenged the dominant political ideology and they needed to make an example out of me. So they come in and they want to set up this little tripod and you know, I'm luckily kind of going you know, going along with it. But perfect timing. My wife comes out and or contact she's a brilliant attorney. She had been hired as a Assistant US Attorney in the Northern District of Texas for the Department of Justice. So she's She's very smart. And she was undergoing a background check the time they the agents didn't know any of this. But we looked at each other. We go back to our room, and we closed door we say, you know, bad idea. We should speak with them without an attorney present. Because we know what they're there for. Right? So back out, they would tell them and they say okay, but before leaving the heavy Atari letter, so then they walk out the door and I read that letter and it tells me that I'm a potential target of a criminal investigation. And it's signed by a Assistant US Attorney in the Southern District of Texas. And, you know, after that door closed, like we knew, like, we had a decision to make like, do we fight back or do we just try and make this all go away and comply with what's obviously correct investigation? Because we knew that like, there, I didn't do anything wrong, right? That that everything was above board, and we knew that they were there to make sure other whistleblowers wouldn't do the same thing. So that day, they want to intimidate us and instill fear, but they just knocked on the wrong door because we decided to fight


Unknown Speaker  20:33 

the wrong couple. Yeah. Yeah. The dynamic duo. Yeah, it's


Dr Eithan  20:39 

funny because we thought like, Well, what do we do we have graduation in a couple hours, right? So Well, first thing we got on son was Christopher Ruffo, the journalist and he's like are no, I'm gonna help you out. I'm going to put you in touch with with an attorney and he got in touch with an attorney by the name of Marcel Burke. It couldn't have been better timing because she's shit just left her position as a partner at some prestigious law firm was seven figures when she quit, because she didn't want to put pronouns from the back in her bio. She'd like to shut. She's like the shy Catholic like rosary one middle. Bulldogs have an attorney. And when we were like, Man, this lady is the real deal we're going to hire. So we talk to her we share sands what this case is about, she has the right people to do it. But then we still have a ceremony later that night and so we got bought a balls champagne. We go on our patio and we celebrate right and we put on like some Vietnam War music and play our war strategy. War pain. Yeah, cuz like, Well, what else can we do? You know, like, you can like sit around and feel sorry for yourself. But now it's like, you know, we excited fight back. We're gonna make the most of it. But so we go to the graduation. It was great. And then you know, during one of my attendings was giving a speech when they called my name and the say couple nice words my wife that she runs to the bathroom, she's crying and everyone thought it was because you know, the worst of seven nights but it was because she didn't know if, you know, like, I was gonna get pumped water for blondes out of the place. Like she had known what the future was gonna hold. And we had this this entire future ahead of us, but at that point, it was all in freefall. But it was the months falling net, that we fully understood the extent of the corruption. And it was that decision, that are those experiences that informed my decision to take my story public in January of 2024, because over those preceding couple months between June 2023 and January 2024. I got a experience with how far the crushing goes and my attorneys fell all day to blow the whistle to Congress in the details. How corrupt they really are, you know, for example, they they said they would take me to jail. Even if they were sure they were gonna lose, right. And you can't just you can't just charge them with a crime if, if you think they committed the crime, right. They had no they had no concept of what the case was about. She didn't even know what statutes she was. She was investigating. She didn't know what what evidence she would even include right when my attorneys would ask her, but the most egregious thing is that even though she didn't know anything about the case, she knew enough to dig into my wife's background. Right in and one of the first conversations she mentioned you know, Andrew is not going to have any problems with your background check unless you continue.


Unknown Speaker  23:47 

So we know what she meant by that.


Dr Eithan  23:49 

Yeah. And there was no there was no hope if we decide if I decided to stay silent. So I knew I had to go public and to go back to your original question is like you think that your life is going to be destroyed that when and you're going to lose everything, right? We've lost a lot, right? We sacrifice a lot. But you know, what I discovered the process was that for the first time, my life once I told the truth about the story, like I was able to live with, with like, what I truly define as human dignity. I don't have to lie every day. Right and and I can stand up against these people who are trying to destroy our country. So you know what greater privilege is there than that?


Dr Michelle  24:35 

And you know, you are my hero, because I have to confess that I didn't have the strength that you did when they came and took my child for me. And maybe because I didn't have lawyers that you did, but the people that were surrounding me kept saying Just be quiet, just be quiet, you know, don't don't don't say anything, you know, so I thought that I had to be quiet. I thought that, you know, if I weren't quiet then they would mark as in come and take the rest of my children but there comes a time when we have to choose not to go down that pathway of fear, false evidence appearing real and trust in God and I and when I look at you, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I truly believe that one of the things that gave you the strength to go out on that limb, what was your deep faith? At? Oh,


Dr Eithan  25:33 

absolutely, absolutely. I mean, there's no doubt everything like we got in touch with Ruffo at the perfect time by divine providence. Our story came out the day before this vote, right. And we got in touch with Marcelo Burke, who only went for a law firm a few months before and started her own law firm. So she took this case, you know, at the worst possible time in her career. And Ruffo said, like, like, shoot on the on the first phone call. You know, she tells me that roof I was like, Well, you gotta take this case, which is like most of the gifts, it's not you then who so she knew, like, it was her. It was her destiny to do it. And then everything that's happened afterwards has been by divine providence. But, you know, I think you bring up a good point about the silence, right? It's like, and it's because we have to understand that times are changing that the Department of Justice that we want to do is not it doesn't exist anymore, right? For people like us when we get caught into a politically driven case, to stay silent. Is to ensure our own destruction, because the only legitimacy that the only way for this investigation to maintain its legitimacy is for us to grant it by our voluntary participation. And it appears like we don't have any control, but in actuality, we have all the control because we have, we have the possibility of, of just speaking the truth and when you do tell the truth, the crushing it and


Dr Michelle  27:08 

you put the light that makes cockroaches scatter. But now, if you can just take a small moment to empower our parents with what is it that they can do to protect their children because one of the really insidious parts of your story is the fact that this can happen in the hospital, and I'm wondering how does it happen with with with parents not knowing so I'm curious as to how that occurs, and what can parents do to protect their children?


Dr Eithan  27:43 

So after my story went public, I was contacted by a group of mothers and fathers in Dallas because I live outside Dallas, and this is a group of parents who have lost their children to the transgender ideology. So these are not the parents who are encouraging this type of thing. These were parents who had kids who are groomed by a friend by an older acquaintance by a counselor by a parent. And this group of parents like this, it's like an underground network of really active parents who, like are involved in legislation. They have like a huge amount of influence in Texas politics, which is amazing because it's just regular parents and I got chance to meet a lot of them in person hear their stories. And what they say is and these are these are people just like me, and you, right, people who love their kids, and they say that there's a couple of features that they say are the primary drivers of their kid being taken into this ideology. And number one is unrestricted. access to the internet, like you forums like Reddit, or, or Tumblr or like, whatever these other you know, know what other ones are, but the other ones where you have a kid who is in a state of turmoil, right like the typical adolescent angst and they have this opportunity like to be a transgender group where all their answers to their their pain, suffering is going to have an answer for it. So it's appealing to them, and they can get sucked into it before you even know it. So that's one thing I would say it's one thing my wife and I had changed our minds on is that we're not going to give our child a cell phone. I mean, maybe like a very basic one from like, 90s


Dr Michelle  29:31 

one that can bring our phone number to call you and that's about it. Maybe


Dr Eithan  29:35 

a pager. pager sounds good. Yeah, and but then also it's so that's one thing, but then also, once it does happen, I believe there's different opinions on this, but I believe that you can't just let it go. You can't like you have to do everything you can. You have to cut that kid off from all of their financials. You know, like, like, if you're paying for their college, you can't pay for their college. You have to make their life really miserable. They have to be able to live on their own because the one parent who got their kid out of this project in the child had to work at a Taco Bell for a year. Right minimum wage with a bunch of working class people. And it was only through that experience that they realize that you know what, like, everything I believed in was false because of like this comfortable wasn't life that I had been given. So now I would say that once you do find it, you have to do everything. You can to prevent it from moving


Closing: Thank you for tuning in for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself, if you liked what we're doing here, please share subscribe, like us and leave a comment. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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Dr Michelle Gamble DN

DR. MICHELLE GAMBLE, DN is an author, educator, mentor, and speaker who specializes in assisting persons with chronic illness to heal themselves so they can break free from pain and frustration and live with power, protection, promise, purpose, promise, prosperity, and peace. She has been a professional educator for over 25 years and a natural health care provider for over 15 years. Dr. Gamble is also the mother of five children. She travels globally and around the country speaking and consulting with individuals and groups.

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