Dr Jana

A Total Reset of Healthcare

February 18, 202426 min read

Today's Valuable Free Resources/Links: https://www.goldcare.com


In this episode, I introduce you to Dr Jana Schmidt and Kristy Morrell.

Dr. Jana Schmidt is a Wife, Mother, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, Certified Natural Health Professional, Natural Fertility Specialist and Ordained Minister.

Dr. Schmidt is founder of Jana’s All Natural and Jana’s Tribal Apothecary. Dr Schmidt is the Wellness Director and prayer warrior with the Gold Care Health and Wellness. She is the author of the upcoming book, The Fertility Formula.

Dr. Jana has been a Natural Health Provider for over 35 years, and currently shares the truth and teaches about health, healing and faith with Healing for the AGES at churches, schools, on podcasts. Dr Jana hosts a radio show on America Out Loud called Looking 4 Healing.

She spends time with her family, reading, supporting missions work, outdoor and water activities, organic bee keeping and natural gardening. She is dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health, through happy, productive, holistic avenues.

Kristy Morrell is a Registered Dietitian and the Nutrition Director of our Gold Care Wellness Team. She has over 25 years experience specializing in weight management, disordered eating, sports nutrition, and other health-related issues. Kristy was the lead Sports Dietitian for the University of Southern California for almost two decades, working directly with USC sports teams and Olympic athletes. She was also the Head Nutritionist for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team, and she worked directly with patients of every age at eating disorder clinics. Kristy is on a mission to educate and encourage you to eat mindfully, sleep and exercise regularly, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Today they speak about:

Alternative healthcare approaches and common mistakes in addressing chronic issues. (5:17)

Holistic health and spiritual wellness. (9:49)

Alternative healthcare model with personalized attention. (16:08)

Holistic healthcare and wellness. (21:15)

Join me for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself to learn how to reset healthcare.

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Intro  0:00 

Welcome to Mommy Heal Thyself.  We featured guests that provide you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to say no to a life of pain and suffering all forms of preventable disease, toxic drugs and unnecessary surgeries. We hope to inspire you to boldly reclaim your ability to heal, and to serve ones to love.

Dr Michelle  0:25 

Hello ladies, welcome once again to another episode of mommy heal thyself and today I have two beautiful young ladies with me. One is Dr. Janice Schmidt. And we have Kristy Morrel. Now Jana is a wife mother board certified naturopathic doctor, Master Herbalist, certified natural health professional, natural fertility specialist and ordained minister. So a whole heap of stuff I tell you. Now she is the founder also of Janice all natural and Janice tribal apothecary, and she is wellness director and prayer warrior with the gold care health and wellness team. She's the author of the upcoming book, fertility formula. Jana has been the natural health provider for over 35 years, and she currently shares the truth and teaches about health and healing and faith, healing for the ages at churches, schools and on podcast. Dr. Jana is the host of the radio show America out loud called for looking for healing. And she spends I don't know how she does it with all this other stuff that she does, but she spends time with her family reading and supporting mission work. outdoor water activities, organic beekeeping. We know a little bit about that right ladies and natural gardening. She's dedicated to helping people up achieve optimal health through healthy, happy, productive holistic avenues. And now, her wonderful partner, Kristy Morell. She is a registered dietitian and nutrition director of the goal care wellness team. She has over 25 years experience specializing in weight management, disordered eating sports, nutrition and other health related issues. Christy is the lead sports dietitian for the University of Southern California for almost two decades, working directly with USC sports teams and Olympic athletes. She's also the head nutritionist for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team, and she works directly with patients of every age. I did see an eating disorder clinics. Christina is on a mission to educate encourage you to eat mindfully, sleep and exercise regularly and embrace a healthier lifestyle. My goodness, ladies, we've got a Power team here. Welcome Dr. Jana and Christy.


Kristy  2:56 

Thank you so much Dr. Gamble. We're happy to be here and happy to share.


Dr Michelle  3:00 

Oh, thank you. So now I'm curious. How did you to start your working relationship? How did you guys meet?


Kristy  3:11 

Well, let me just do a little correction on the on the bio. I was with USC University of Southern California. So I lived in Los Angeles. And I worked at you the University of Southern California and I was with the LA Kings because those are both in LA. And this incredible opportunity came about working with Gould Care Health and Wellness which is where I met Jana. Which is a telehealth platform really spreading the truth about health and wellness. It is Dr. Seuss in different health practitioners coming together to truly give medical and holistic advice that is based on truth and that's kind of what what virgin and I sort of stand upon with our health and information. It's not based on nothing that I've learned as a registered dietitian, sadly, I think I was taught a certain way to educate and to believe in terms of like the food guide pyramid and over the years and things that have changed. I clearly can see that that's not the way and so I was excited to jump on to go Care Health and Wellness because of that. The founder Dr. Simone gold and so Jana is the natural path. One of the natural paths for gold hair health and wellness and that's where we got to meet and instantly bonded because we have the same belief


Dr Jana  4:42 

you did was a moral everything. People were just talking about the same ideas and philosophy and it was just really incredible to see that the way she helped people was the same heart behind the way I help people. And it's really to get to the root of the problem and really give them something and teach them something that's not just for that moment but for the rest of their lives in their family's lives. So yeah, we definitely resonated and we're, you know, we're working right now together gold care. And so I consider Chrystia friend too, so that's really it's really cool. That's


Dr Michelle  5:17 

awesome. You know, and we've been doing a series of different episodes talking about parallel health care, alternative health care, however we want to quote unquote, label it at this point in time. And so today our conversation is on a health care reset. What do you guys mean by that?


Dr Jana  5:39 

Well, it does say a total reset we need a reset. There's it's broken. Our medical system is clearly broken. It's not it's no longer about the person that needs some help. Making the relationship with the provider that can give the help and then guide them teach them. It's sadly more in control by money and greed. by people who already have a lot of power in my team. Right. So if if a doctor is under a hospital or a group, sometimes it's dictated to them what they can and can't say. And we don't do that at goal care. We are private membership. We're outside of that. We call it the medical industrial complex. We're outside of that and we come together with all different types of providers. We have so many different types of providers and specialists from MDS and DEOs and integrative health practitioners and mental wellness and prayer warriors. And we're looking at mind body and soul. And that's we've come away from that and we're getting back to that. So we're taking that artificial divide between the allopathic and the natural. We're taking that away, bringing it back together again the way it should be. But we also have a spiritual covering because we know that we're not just body right. So this is this is why we're doing this. We're super excited. It's been incredibly successful, the types of people we've been able to help and continue to help. So


Dr Michelle  7:03 

now let's get a little bit more into the weeds with regards to what kind of people do you see approaching you for assistance? What is it that they're dealing with and what is drawing them towards you?


Dr Jana  7:17 

We have everything because we have so many providers with what we do. We get we get everything from colds to cancer. But for me personally I feel like more people come to me that potentially are injured from vaccines. And many people who haven't been able to have a baby for whatever reason, and we've been able to restore their health and when you restore the health and the body works the way it's supposed to then it's most likely going to be able to conceive and carry full term. So those are the two main things that people come to me although I can again variety of things, too. So what about you, Kirsty? What are the what's the focus of your, your people, your clients, so


Kristy  8:04 

because of my eating disorder and disordered eating background I think a lot of women that I've talked to in consoled are needing help with being mindful and maybe losing weight. I mean, we know that for certain that a lot of medical conditions stemmed from the way they're living their lives and the way that they're eating. And a lot of it is not necessarily always disordered, but in a way, they're using food for comfort. I know that is a majority of the women that I speak to it's like they don't eat all day because they're busy and then they come home and then a lot so it's it's reestablishing healthy eating habits. And I also talk about sleep and hydration and just educating because I think in the world of nutrition, it's very confusing. And there's a lot of people now talking about it. I think there's I don't know how many podcasts there are and there's, you know, Instagram now and there's just so much that they're they're inundated and they're just confused, like which diet do I follow and, and so I just tried to steer them the right way and give them factual scientific advice and also just it's so individual. And I think that's where i i helped the most.


Dr Michelle  9:21 

Now, what do you find is a common mistake that people are making, you know, especially when you're talking about things that are chronic, as you said, like the eating disorder, or even what you were saying Jenner in terms of people dealing with fertility issues, which are really chronic, you know, for a lot of people, what is a mistake that you find that they're making in terms of how they're approaching the problem or how they're approaching their health. In general?


Dr Jana  9:53 

Overall, going to medications first, that's a big mistake, no matter what it is, whether it's a headache, or, you know, working with infertility, but go into drugs first, but the answer is, I feel like that's a mistake in most most cases. So if there are natural things you can do, it's not an emergency, you're not on your way. To the ER with a broken arm right? Most cases you can do something natural and that might be all you need and work on made so I feel like our bodies Resonate with God made nutritional right holistic, herbal, whatever, remedies, so I feel like that's a that's a big mistake is is running for the Tylenol the Advil and you have a headache whereas that's clearly not why you have a headache son a deficiency of Tylenol is the fact that maybe you didn't get enough water or didn't asleep or you need to detox or there's a variety of things that you can you can target and actually use some natural herbal things, instead of medications for those temporary symptoms while you're working on the long term issue, like white willow bark instead of a an aspirin. It's got Silic acid and it's going to help with that temporary but it's also going to help heal the body. So I feel like that's probably one of the biggest mistakes that people rush because it's so in our faces it's on commercials it's like here the pill for every ill but trying to help people learn to think a different way and not reach that medicine or or look for a prescription for the first time they have something you know oh am symptom like let's let's figure out what that symptom is why. Christy,


Kristy  11:28 

I would say Javis point exactly. Which leads into so nicely. It's not the quick fix. I mean, whether it's ozempic that's obviously taking taking over right now. But But I see it's very you know, it's that all or nothing way of thinking when it comes to nutrition and exercise. And so some women start this this journey, going like I'm gonna go seven days a week or I'm going to not eat any carbs or no sugar, and they try that approach and and then they fail and I talked to a lot of women about the way we beat ourselves. A lot of my work is almost a lot of psychological because it's it's the way they talk to themselves. So what they do is they they try these sort of quick fixes, and then they don't succeed and then their self talk becomes worse and then they become hard on themselves and that has power and then they they start to you know, kind of unravel and they're not well, so it's coming at nutrition and there's their whole lifestyle in a way that's sustaining and long lasting and not something that they're just going to do for a week. And then it's too hard to sustain and then they feel bad about themselves. So


Dr Jana  12:39 

that's my I would love to share something. This is just a side note when you said ozempic Do you know what it's made from? Do you know what the ingredient and I was like because Gila monster venom in it that Eliza is your stomach, a paralyzing part of the pit of your stomach that helps you digest. So you feel full because it's slower to digest. And people have been on this for a long period of time or having severe problems being able to digest it all and there's vomiting constantly. It's very dangerous. So I just want to say a side note, please steer clear of ozempic There are so many other ways to balance my way and read the side effects before you take it. it's severe.


Dr Michelle  13:21 

yeah, we we just did an episode on that actually. So I I did not know about the venom part. I knew about the gastric creases, but I did not know that was the active component that creates that particular outcome. Now what we're talking what I found really interesting, when I started doing some research into gold care. I found it rather interesting that you all incorporate prayer warriors. Tell me a little bit about.


Dr Jana  13:55 

Oh, don't you find that when people have hope, and they know people care about them, they heal better. mean it's been scientifically proven when people know they have hope. It's someone that cares. And I feel like that's provided with the prayer warriors and we also have classes every Wednesday, people want to hop on whether they're members or providers that are just hurting and in prayer and spiritual health. I think it's missing part of what we what we do is so overall, what we do as health providers is the spiritual aspect.


Dr Michelle  14:32 

I completely agree. I'm very, like I said, I was thrilled to see that aspect into anybody


Dr Jana  14:39 

else who's doing it that way. So there's lots of parallel things popping up. Honestly, Dr. Gold started putting this together. What was it three years ago? No, stop on it. We're working really hard, trying to get out every little detail. And that was something that was a component that isn't I don't see that anywhere else. I don't either. Doctors and allopathic are coming together in certain clinics, but with that spiritual health we get I feel like that's the trifecta like we got going on. It's really good.


Dr Michelle  15:09 

It reminds me of when I was looking for training for myself. I saw lots of naturopathic schools, but there was only one school and it was the school that I went to to get my doctorate that was American Institute of holistic theology, unfortunately doesn't exist anymore. But it was the only school that was integrating the spiritual aspects. And I think that that is so critically key in terms of the healing journey for all of us that like you said, when you have hope it it can be the one thing that turns everything around


Dr Jana  15:46 

is a side note behind the scenes, there are some brilliant people putting together new schools to teach people how to get other people well, and I don't I don't want to call it a med school because it's going to be totally different, but it's going to incorporate everything we need to know everything we could possibly utilize as tools to help people heal. So that's been quietly put together in the background. I can't wait for it to emerge.


Dr Michelle  16:09 

Awesome. So now let's dive a little bit deeper into this whole concept of total health care reset, and tell us what that looks like with regards to the gold care system.


Kristy  16:26 

Well, I think the first thing is that we spend time asking questions I mean, we really spend time I think one of the things that I love about gold Karen's with how this is different too, is that we treat each member like family. So we take the time and I think that is what's different is that we take the time to ask them questions to get the note to get to know them to figure out what they actually need. And then we might, you know, I may see somebody who might benefit from Jeff or from somebody else and so we work as a team to figure out what's the best course of action for this member and how can we get them the results we're looking for. So that's what I love the most is that it's the time and attention and then being able to give them and not say oh, you need to you know, we have to wait two more weeks to see this person and then you have to get a referral for that. And then it's just delay, delay, delay delay, it's like we can definitely give them the help that they need in a very timely fashion because we're all together under the same umbrella. So I think that's what has been the most wonderful part of another part of goal care. That's been great.


Dr Michelle  17:34 

Now what do you find is the mindset that is needed for someone to gravitate towards goal care but that is not a fixed for everyone. So there's a certain type of person who is it that I don't know


Dr Jana  17:48 

I think it is a fixed one. It's I feel like we it's for everybody. I can't think of anybody that wouldn't benefit from from this type of health care. So we still have the allopathic prescribing for people who have medications that they happen to be on for whatever reason, but we also have people that can help D prescribe if they want to be off this medications or if we feel like they're an orphan. These students prescribers feel like they're unnecessary. So when a doctor those visions was to get people off medications that are unnecessary, they're just harming them, but also we don't want them taking too many vitamins either. So we want to make sure they're, they're getting the perfect health. We want to eliminate the things that are wasting time and energy and money and just get to what they need is I think that's what makes it really, really special. So I feel like everyone can benefit from this and then there's a major medical part as well. We have gold Care Plus that can is a cost sharing teamed up with Zion. So it can be someone's complete health care. You know, we can help navigate if you need to go to the hospital for whatever reason, if someone has a broken bone or someone wants to do a birthing center, we help navigate that that path. You know what we found out this was really cool. And I knew this was good. I'm like, I'm all in this is amazing. We need this. But what we found is that it's less expensive than insurance. And it's less expensive than self pay, because we've negotiated better rates of everything. X rays and labs and go care doesn't we're not we're not looking to upcharge those whereas many organizations might be up charging so they can make money on labs and prescriptions and we don't do that and we offer the savings directly to the member. So it makes it really affordable. And businesses are coming to us like I'm surprised how many businesses have reached out and said, We want to save our company 10s of 1000s dollars. We want to bring everybody on goal care. So it's been wonderful. I don't imagine this is something that wouldn't fit for people. I do have to play I guess you have to be willing to try something different. But even when you try it, you'll realize it's better. It's much better than what we have out there. rationally.


Dr Michelle  20:08 

I think what would be the catch is that this is requiring a total shift out of the traditional insurance paradigm. So for those people who have their insurance provided to them by their employer, like if they're working for the school district and their employer is providing insurance and they pay a certain amount of lesser fee. So


Dr Jana  20:34 

even that amount, even that amount that they're paying, it's still better to be with galter because you you pay just see when you need somebody you don't you know paying constantly these high premiums and then what a coinsurance or co pays that you have to pay. It still turns out to be less money. I do know what you're saying about people who have employees that are offering them insurance at a lower rate. But that's when it's really wonderful to talk to the employer like hey, this is going to be better for your people. You're gonna get true health care, people are going to be better, healthier, better employees. So I would say what to look towards the businesses for that.


Dr Michelle  21:14 

So now how is it different from say new health? Because new health is that kind of cost share program so I'm not familiar with that. Oh, yeah. New Health has been around for many, many years, long before COVID, actually. And so it's similar to a lot of Christian cost shares. But new health is one that was brought about by James Maskull from the functional medicine paradigm, and they created new health and they provide a similar type of assistance to people. And so I was just curious if you know to understand the distinctions because we just finished doing an episode with one of their representatives, and I know a lot of our listeners are going to be listening to try and find that distinction and navigate, you know, what's the difference between that and then there's also the wellness company. So you know, we're


Dr Jana  22:12 

just different than the wellness company. That's not even a It's not apples to apples out.


Unknown Speaker  22:16 

So how is it different from the wellness company?


Dr Jana  22:19 

They don't have any naturopaths or stir dieticians or integrative health practitioners or


Unknown Speaker  22:25 

prayer warriors. Definitely not.


Dr Jana  22:28 

I mean, they might have fared worse but I don't I don't know of any so it's definitely different. They have traditional telehealth doctors helping with them. And we are not making money on supplements. And that's one of the things that's one of their big pushes. Remember I said Dr. Bill didn't want to do that. She's the one to charge all these things to your you know, charge on prescriptions and things so I know that that's one of the ones company's revenue, a source of revenue was their supplements, but let's we're not doing that. So it's a little different model. You know, they have a lot of bundles and packages. So we're just focusing on what's best for each person. And then we can individually guide them to supplements that they needed. So that I know that it's different in that regard. But as far as new health I'm not sure. I know that many of our providers came because they wanted. They wanted people to have informed consent before they made decisions about their health. And so they're their freedom warriors there. And I think that's what makes it really different. With goals care, is we all have this drive to do this to bring about true health care and true instead of sick care with with a wide, wide range of modalities and ways to heal, even have a biological dentist or a mental health professionals. That's pretty awesome.


Dr Michelle  23:52 

So what is the process? Let's say someone says, I would really like to get involved in goal care. What are the steps that they go through?


Dr Jana  24:03 

Well, I know that on the website, there's a way to reach out and then you'll get some information back you can talk to our customer service if needed. We also have chat on our on our website, and then you would sign up with a monthly fee that gives you access to everything within goal care. You'll have your own private login and we have classes and information to absolutely amazing and you know what's really cool is any of our members can jump on our training. So we train each other we talk to each other and we have training like what's EMS why does it matter or how to manage diabetes or the prescribing from Section ships. They can join any of the ones where we're teaching each other and I love that swift classes all we have specialty classes Christie just wrapped one up about with weight loss is that right? So they have access to all of that and then whenever they need someone they can go into choose who they need to see and they make an appointment right there and it sends a message to that provider provider response and they would fill out the forms that they need. We have intake form so we really want to get to know people and then our our appointments are now our made our first initial appointments we want an hour without that person and then accept the next ones after that if they need any then they can be smaller, you know, 1530 minutes, but we correspond through a public platform like this, we see each other, right, the actual interfaces and then we also have a way to email back and forth to keep in touch with the members and see how they're doing.


Dr Michelle  25:40 

Awesome. So now any last words of wisdom for our community because


Kristy  25:53 

honestly, I think it's just taking power over their health. I mean, I think that's kind of why we're all together is like taking back your power. And I think in terms of just health and wellness in general just from a dieticians perspective is my advice for women is to be easy on themselves. I think. We do a lot and we expect ourselves to do too much sometimes and I think it's prioritizing ourselves and our health. And, and really the honestly the biggest takeaway would be watch yourself talk, because I deal with so many women and I asked them about that. And they have to stop and think about like, oh my gosh, you're right. I do say I could have done this or I should have did this. I didn't do a workout. They're just constantly so have some grace with yourself. And I would say watch your self talk and just start slow. If you're going to do something different on your health journey. Try not to do too much at once. That would be that would be my advice. Awesome.


Dr Jana  27:03 

I like that. I like it too. I think speaking positive words and in prayer over every yourself of your family every day is very, very powerful. And I always like to say start slow. We want to we want you to feel better once you feel nothing but better. Right doesn't need to be hard, painful but one step at a time. And we can we can help you do that.


Dr Michelle  27:25 

That is so wonderful. Thank you so much, Dr. Jana and Christie for joining us today. Thank you so much. And ladies, we will see you in our next episode of mommy heal thyself until then. Peace and blessings. Bye.

Closing: Thank you for tuning in for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself, if you liked what we're doing here, please share subscribe, like us and leave a comment. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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Dr Michelle Gamble DN

DR. MICHELLE GAMBLE, DN is an author, educator, mentor, and speaker who specializes in assisting persons with chronic illness to heal themselves so they can break free from pain and frustration and live with power, protection, promise, purpose, promise, prosperity, and peace. She has been a professional educator for over 25 years and a natural health care provider for over 15 years. Dr. Gamble is also the mother of five children. She travels globally and around the country speaking and consulting with individuals and groups.

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