
Unlock Your Business Potential

July 24, 202329 min read


Check out episode
  • Discover how women can unlock their business potential.

  • Learn The 3 Big Blocks that STOP you from moving forward!

  • Understand the importance of identifying your why so you can THIRVE not just survive.

Today's Valuable Free Resources/Links:

·        FREE Resources to help you level up your business, click here:



In this episode, I introduce you to The 90 Day Divas.

Their mission is to transform the lives and businesses of those people who feel they are meant for MORE. People like you who have untapped potential.

Diva Definition: A woman with an attitude who needs to get what she wants, who has self-confidence, self-respect and hella swagger! She knows who she is and exactly where she is going. People usually gravitate to her because they respect her swagger! (Urban Dictionary).

Every action has a reaction. All the actions that guided your journey to this point are brilliant, but you’re already aware that they haven’t taken you where you know you really want to be. 

Maybe you have a business idea you’re not quite sure how to take forward. Perhaps you’ve fallen out of love with your existing business. They’ve been where you are, and they know how to get you moving!

Join me for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself to learn how the Divas can help you launch or reinvigorate your business and gain clarity to get the results you deserve.

Check out these episode highlights:

·        05:27 – The problem they help solve: we take women who are seeking to create a business out of the fear space

·        06:15  – The symptoms of the problem: express feeling underpaid, underappreciated, overworked.

·        09:20  – Clients’ common mistakes before consulting the Divas: They really think everything needs to be 99% correct before they can do the business,

·        17:35  What concept or a book or program or TED talk has been most impactful or inspirational for you.

·        24:22 –90 Day Divas Valuable Free Resource (VFR): FREE 90-Day Business Blueprint to launch or reinvigorate your business and kick the uncertainty to the curb, click here: https://90daydivas.com/podcast-freebies

·        25:42  – Remaining Question to address: What would it look like working with the Divas?

(Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Intro  0:00 

Welcome to Mommy Heal Thyself.  We feature guests that provide you with the tools, resources and strategies you need to say no to a life of pain and suffering all forms of preventable disease, toxic drugs and unnecessary surgeries. We hope to inspire you to boldly reclaim your ability to heal, and to serve ones to love.

Dr Michelle   0:22 

Welcome, everyone to another episode of mommy heal thyself and I am super super stoked for today's episode because we are here with the 90 day divas Yes, we got divas in the house. And there are three successful female entrepreneurs who have combined their coaching superpowers to help people like you my lovely, lovely beautiful ladies to jump off the hamster wheel of corporate life, and to launch into businesses that actually spin their wheels. They know the frustration of working countless hours to line someone else's pockets, and have each assessed coaching help to start and refine your businesses. So now they have 45 years of combined business experience and have collectively impacted 1000s of professionals and shared the stage with Olympians, musicians and prime ministers. I tell you, I am man, and from holding an MBA to walking on hot coals and becoming the number one best selling author. These powerful women want to condense decades into days for their clients and inspire them to go for their dreams. So ladies, welcome. Welcome. Thank you for joining us today.


Jennifer Myers     1:44 

Thank you so much for having us, Michelle. Yeah, we're excited to be here.


Dr Michelle   1:53 

Tell me, where are you guys located?


Carol Reed     1:57 

So we're in New Zealand. So some of us are on the East Coast and some of us are on in the middle part of the North Island. So yeah. On the on the other side of the world from you.


Dr Michelle   2:09 

You told me you're like a day ahead of me. So you're going to see tomorrow, you're going to forecast my tomorrow before I even get to my tomorrow because it's still looking good.


Carol Reed     2:20  

So yeah, I'm not gonna say it's an awesome day tomorrow, I got nothing to worry about lay down those worries, because it's a really good day tomorrow.


Dr Michelle   2:30 

I tell you somehow, ladies, I would love for you to just give us a little intro about each of you individually, because I've talked about you as a group. But I would love to know, individually what each of you brings to the 90 day diva trio.


Unknown Speaker  2:46 

Right? Cool, brilliant. Go, Jen.


Jennifer Myers     2:49 

Oh, good. Hey, I've turned my eyes. Jennifer Myers and yeah, I've been I'm an American who now lives in New Zealand. So America, kiwi. And yeah, I've been a certified business and leadership coach and have had a business over here for the last 13 years working with service providers to help them improve their leadership muscle, look at the big picture and the strategy in their business, and work through how to be better communicators, and relationship builders with their teams. So I create bespoke training programs and do coaching for leaders and their teams. No, I


Lucy      3:31 

Hi, I'm Lucy Lucy creature. I'm young marketing digital expert, I help businesses with their online presence really starting from the branding their niching the messaging to how they want to appear online and who they want to attract. Yeah, I've, I was the one who left the corporate world about five years ago, and started my business and wouldn't do it anyway. Any other way, basically, I'm really excited that I did. And it was scary at the time, but I've been enjoying the ride. And I guess I want to just inspire and motivate many other women to do the same to really step into their power, and to live the life that they've been dreaming off because and stop being held back by all this fear, or this guilt worthiness issues. And yeah, that's why as the dean and I did it was really want to be here and to support many more women to do that.


Carol Reed     4:28 

Brilliant. And I'm Carol Reed, and so I help businesses and individuals with the mindset. So I'm a certified happiness trader from Massey Shime office work. So I love that sort of stuff, being able to bring that that era of happiness in there and lots of science around it, and really getting into the entrepreneurial mindset, you know, how can you move from an owner and operator to an owner and also, you know, how can you kind of, you know, get out of that thinking working for someone else, but working for yourself is a little bit of a change there that's got to happen around the You're approaching things, the way you're thinking about things. And the way you know you're creating the situations that unfold. So I help you with all of that sort of stuff. And as Lucy says, really excited to be here and also excited to be able to help women get out of their own way, you know? Yeah, yeah.


Dr Michelle   5:15 

So now, ladies, as a combo trio, what is the biggest problem that you help women to solve? Carol? Right, well,


Carol Reed     5:27 

I guess one of the biggest things is that we take them out of that fear space, as Lisa was saying, but we also allow them to be able to really get into what is their what is their superpower themselves, so embracing their own kind of uniqueness that they bring, and, and really helping them to dial that back and then create a whole system and platform to be able to move forward from that. So it's almost a bit of an stripped back and audit back. And then let's move let's dive forward with what we can do to to get you going and your business.


Dr Michelle   6:01 

So now, what are some of the typical symptoms that women would be experiencing? That would make them have that aha moment that you know what I really need to reach out to the Divas?


Jennifer Myers     6:15 

express feeling underpaid, underappreciated, overworked. You know, when we think about somebody who's just ready for something new ready for that next step in their life. It could be somebody wanting to jump out of corporate, it might be somebody who's, you know, perhaps a little bit older, who's saying, you know, as we were talking about before we, we started the interview, you know, what's next, I want to embrace me and find out who I am and what I want for my business. So, yeah, it's just really kind of helping them get clarity and really step out of that frustration and feeling that there's got to be more, but I don't know what it is. Yeah, I guess also on


Lucy      6:59 

there, it's really that feeling of feeling freedom, you want to have that freedom and being able to work on your terms, and get out that feeling of feeling trapped, that you often can have in this amount of society.


Dr Michelle   7:13 

Yep. And another thing that we had spoken about, just before we started is that sometimes it's also that feeling of financial insecurity, and wanting to have more financial independence and wanting to feel more that you are contributing more to your family financially, you know?


Carol Reed     7:36 

Yeah, well, yeah, that's the thing with finances is that they give you more choices, you know, so it's all about that, isn't it? So when you can feel like you have choice in your life, then so many other doors and windows and, you know, things come in front of you that, you know, you can take opportunity for it's when we're feeling contracted, and when we're feeling stifled, that, you know, we just don't live into our best selves, because we're constantly reacting instead of being able to think about proactively what do we need to do?


Dr Michelle   8:10 

Yeah, you know, we just finished going through several years of corporations downsizing, and I don't think they're finished with all of that, you know, and that sense of insecurity, feeling like, your life is dependent on someone else's pen, you know, so that could be kind of scary. And I know a lot of women who, who want to have more of a sense of control with regards to their financial destiny, you know,


Jennifer Myers     8:37 

absolutely. It is a really scary place to be Michelle, when you're, you know, sitting there wondering if you're going to be next. So being able to say, You know what, I've got a plan. I don't need to feel like this anymore. That's what we want for our clients. Yeah. Yeah.


Lucy      8:53 

Yeah. Also, they would like to say, step into the driver's seat and take control over your life and your business. Yeah, what your next steps will be.


Dr Michelle   9:02 

So now, what are some of the common mistakes that women make when trying to start up a business? I think a lot of ambition, you know, from the corporate career to being a business owner, go for at least a


Lucy      9:20 

year. Well, this, this is a few that come to mind. I think one is deeply overthinking that whole like we already said that fear based Am I good enough? Can I really do it? Am I educated enough? Especially women, we overthink a lot. We really think it needs to be 99% correct before I can do it, or I need to have another certificate just to prove everyone that I really can do it. And when we compare it with males, it's a lot less they're basically just going for it and as Carol likes to say fake it till you make it. Yeah. So I guess a big thing that we see is they don't even start because they just got so many limiting beliefs that they think they're not good enough. Can't do it. And I guess that's a A part where we really step in. And yeah, that's a big part that Carol does is like help with the mindset to overcome those fears.


Carol Reed     10:07 

Yeah, bringing your confidence at least he's totally right. You know, I think the steps are something like, If a man and a woman went for the same role, and a man, you know, only knew 50% of it, he would still put his hand up and go for it, a woman wouldn't even go wouldn't even put her hand that wouldn't even try, you know, she's got to be like, 95%, or more capable of doing that role before she will even try for it. Whereas a man, you know, he'll just have a go. So I guess, we kind of want to bring in some of that bit of masculinity, in terms of confidence, and you know, that bit of ego, you know, in a good way, to be able to really put ourselves forward and say, Hey, we can do this, you know, and this is where the Divas come in, because we're your cheer cheerleading squad, we're right behind you, you know, going, you can do it, you can do it when you're having those bad days where they're, you know, it's, we're an email, or, or we have a group that, you know, we talk and, you know, we're just one little step away to say, Hey, I'm feeling like this today, here's what you need to do do this, try this, you know, yeah,


Lucy      11:07 

really take that pain away. So we really want to make it as easy and fun as possible to run your own business, by really showing you how to do it, and not just talking about what to do, I think that we were really hands on, we want to support where we can and give them the best tools that they can use. Yeah, there's so many tips and tricks that we can share with each and every one. And we do so


Dr Michelle   11:34 

I think that's what drew me to you, you know, because it's like, in 90 days, we can help you to find that plan to go from A to Z. And that just makes you go, Ah, okay, I don't have I'm not on my own. I don't have to figure everything out by myself. I don't have to reinvent the wheel. You know, there's somebody who can guide me through that process. And it's within a certain time span, you know, so I remember when I was starting my business, I had to figure it all out for myself, you know, and I went through that whole zone of collecting 50 million different certifications, and diplomas and this and that. And so that's why I mean, my dossier has, like, I tell people I have enough paper to to use to use for calculator for months, you know, at this point in time, you know,


Jennifer Myers     12:25 

so you got it. So you resonate with the needing everything before you start? Yeah,


Dr Michelle   12:29 

yeah. And always thinking, I need to be more, I need to learn more, you know, feeling like, I need to do more, instead of saying, You know what, let's just do it. And guys, they're very different. They're like, out now I'll figure it out. as I go along with us, we have to have everything, you know, detailed plan, and you know, all the T's crossed, and the I's dotted and all that kind of good stuff. So yeah, I


Jennifer Myers     12:55 

we make things so hard for ourselves, don't we, we just make things so hard. And the just, I wrote something recently, that's called Life doesn't have to be hard. And we can translate that to business business doesn't have to be hard. There is no rocket science, in what you need to do to start a business. It is just the mindset, having a plan and being consistent, and, you know, having someone there to back you up, and you know, the friendly challenger to help you take ownership of what you say you want to do.


Carol Reed     13:25 

Yeah, and we've helped you measure it too. Yeah, measuring it as well, you got it, you know, you gotta measure where you're going. So that, you know, okay, my letter might be up against the wrong wall, right now I need to move it to another wall, you know, so we help you with that, too. But all of that stuff, you can set up systems and processes for that sort of thing. You know, it's not like Jen says, It's not rocket science,


Dr Michelle   13:45 

you know, and to put some of our women at ease to know that, actually, that's how God designed us. God designed us to think in that manner. So when you look at the brain of a man and a woman, they're very different. They're hardwired very differently. And so it's about learning how to go with that flow and not beat ourselves up for that particular hardwiring, and yet, move beyond it and expand into like what you said to take on more of that masculine energy and that masculine approach, when appropriate. It's not appropriate all the time. You know, there's a reason why God designed us the way he designed us, but you know, there are times when it helps us to expand. So now what is the number one tip that you would be able to give our women


Lucy      14:32 

I think just on what you said before, one big thing that I think helps a lot is really listen to your gut feeling. And trust yourself. Like, yeah, like you just said, we are that feminine energy with that flow. We we have so much that comes our way. So listen to what


Carol Reed     14:52 

I would say, you know, get clear on what you really want. Because quite often we aren't really were, as I say, reacting and sort of, you know, going along and and doing the motions, but actually not really clear on what we want. So, intentional living, I talked about intentional live with intention, you know, so if if you're working in a corporate and you're not enjoying it, let's get some steps happening so that you can enjoy it, what does it look like? You know, and just having that bit of vision for your life, take that little bit of time to, to envision what it is that you really want. Because there's, there's I forget the exact statistics, but there's a massive amount of people it's well over 50% that don't even know what they want in life. You know, so, you know, don't be in that, in that space. Be someone who lives intentionally that really goes for what they want. And that's where we help you.


Jennifer Myers     15:47 

Absolutely is that investment in yourself because, you know, you're so important your this is your life. So live it and live it the way you want. Don't live it by someone else's rules or you know, living to please everyone else, please yourself. And if that means starting a business, then Gosh, darn it, ground starts, Gosh, darn it, well start a business, you know, but can help invest in yourself and get help. Don't try to DIY it because it's it's hard. That is hard.


Dr Michelle   16:19 

I've learned the hard way to get help. You know, I think that's the other thing that we we get in our society, we we feel like we have to figure it out by ourselves. We got to be superwoman, we got to be the supermom to super wife super, this is super that. And we feel a sense of shame or guilt. If we're not able to do it on our own, you know, and I love the fact that you, you ladies have come together in that kind of sisterhood to create this business. Because too many times we as women are our cat cat fighting with each other, you know, and it is so critical to create sisterhood to help us all to thrive and to low like you said and to be able to be at ease and not have to carry the burden all by ourselves. So I'm just in awe the two of you working together I just love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. If we do


Jennifer Myers     17:21 

think that's a unique a unique thing about us and many people who who work with you, we had one person say oh my gosh, you guys are like my business be 12 shots every time I get together with you. We're like, yes, that is awesome. So


Dr Michelle   17:35 

So now, each of you can tell me what is the one concept or book or program or tip off whatever it is or person that has been most inspirational or impactful for you in your life. Go on gene.


Jennifer Myers     17:54 

Oh, there's been so much but I think probably to get really personal here. The person who's been most impactful on my life has been my Aunt Kay. Back when I was a little kid. She's not my real aunt. But I met her when I was six. And we were friends till she passed away when I was 28. I tell her story all the time as her legacy because she's just, she's an amazing spirit and amazing energy. She was confident she went out and traveled by herself. Yeah, she was married. But she was just a strong, independent woman. And I respected that so much. So she just comes up immediately for me all the time. Let's see. Or yeah, I


Lucy      18:35 

was just thinking there's a few like there's a few really cool books and mentors in the space that I really admire. I guess it starts with Denise Duffield Thomas and I think she's a real cool. She talks about money mindset and running your business. And it should be she's got this book called ShopRunner. And I really resonated with that. It's really, yeah, life and business can be fun. And it can be chill when it can run the way you need it to run. So if you've got family if you got hobbies, you can really go for it. And she's just got this really nice ease about herself. I feel. Yeah, it's it's very inspiring.


Carol Reed     19:14 

As he says, there's been so many over the years, but many years ago when I did do the walk on hot coals that was with a chap called robbing, robbing banks, and he's from South Africa. And he's an amazing guy and he came out to New Zealand and ran some seminars. And that was really when I started to really decide on my mindset changing my mindset on where I was at that would have been, gosh, I suppose about 15 years ago at least. But it was really good and so it's set me on a different path. But I mean even even before that, you know I remember buying Tony Robbins online training, you know, years ago and listening to that doing walks and having Tony in my head and stuff. Yes, the sort of swinging roundabouts, I think and it all comes into your life as it as it needs to at the time and you take from it what you need, and then, you know, you move through and and put a bit of that in your back pocket and then move through to the next thing. But I think we've always got to be journey always on that, in that in that personal development path. Because I feel like there's so much more leveling up to do so much more, to expand ourselves, you know, there's so much more we need to understand about ourselves. And when we know thyself, then we can do so much more, right? We do this


Jennifer Myers     20:31 

all the time, every time we've got diva office hours every week where we get together and we, you know, do the things we need to do in our business. And we always bring something to the table that we that we've been reading, working on a course we're taking, you know, and kind of sharing that with each other and going, Wow, this is what I learned from that. And then of course, you know, sharing what we can where it's appropriate with clients. So it's like, it feels so nice to just be able to let that stuff flow through you to other people. It's something from my perspective, that was a really formative book for me, which is an oldie but a goodie is the How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Now, it's not a fun read. But it's so basic, right? There's no There's no rocket science. But it's a great way to build relationships, which is a huge part of my business. Yeah.


Carol Reed     21:16 

Love that book and thinking Grow Rich was the other one. I read for two of those together when I was about 18. And they expanded. And of course, the secret to great book, too. There's lots of stuff in there.


Dr Michelle   21:29 

Speaking of relationships, I forgot to ask you guys this. How did you guys come together? What made you guys decide to do this venture of 90 day divas together? Were you friends before? Or what's the back?


Carol Reed     21:43 

Yeah, it's all on Lucy. Lucy's fault.


Lucy      21:47 

I was actually just thinking, Oh, it's COVID photo. Yeah, it was we meet online on us. It was a speed dating online session. And somehow, Jim caught my eye. And then I was like, oh, let's have a rave or like a meeting after that together. And yeah, we've just started talking, we just resonated so strongly with same vision as what we actually wanted in business. And I knew Carol from another business event, or networking event. And yeah, we sort of thought, why don't we do it all together? Because we've got the same idea. Why should each individual do the same thing, if we can come together and collaborate and actually bring way more into it? I was just beautiful. And I think one thing we always say too, is we've all lived our ego at the doorstep, and just make this happen.


Jennifer Myers     22:40 

We've all got strong personalities. So it's been really interesting to just see generally how easy it is for us to work together. And I think that's because we've gotten big goals, we've got big visions, we all want the same thing. And we all kind of serve the same market. So it's like, yeah, let's let's do this. We can do it together.


Carol Reed     23:00 

Yeah, and I think we're curious, the three of us are very curious. That's a big that's a big similarity. You know, we're always curious about you know, something else that we've learned like GNC as we come together. And we've learned something Well, I saw this thing I heard that thing and what about this, you know, we share our own individual insights. And then and we get you know, that that far from each other, which is, which leaves us all up, you know, and then so you come away feeling inspired when we have our office hours. It's never ever. I never sit in an office hours going on. I wish I wasn't doing this. Never was so cool. Energy. And you know, we love having fun together.


Dr Michelle   23:38 

That is so cool. Oh my gosh, I'm jealous. Oh, oh, I just love hearing about how you guys work together. And it brings so much more value to the people that you serve, because you all put different pieces of the puzzle together, you know, and it's, it's just, ah, oh, gosh, it must be wonderful. So now ladies, what is one valuable free resource that you can direct our women to that will further help them in making that transition from careers, the professional world of working for somebody else to creating their own business.


Unknown Speaker  24:18 

So loose, we've got a couple of things on our website here.


Lucy      24:22 

So the easiest is to go onto our website and 90 days, Evers as a 99 zero.com. And yeah, we've got a blog. We do regular weekly blog posts where we got different topics. Either you you're not standing in the business already, or you want to figure out some details like our latest one is all about ownership and managing your business. We also have a podcast, the blueprint bosses blog podcast on Spotify, Apple, iTunes, so that's all the we have a few downloads too. So there's a few things there on that website.


Dr Michelle   24:59 

Awesome. And ladies, you don't have to remember everything about the website, because I'm going to include the link in our show notes. So don't worry about it, we will make sure that you are provided with those links in the show notes. So ladies, what is one question that I should have? Or could have asked you that would help our ladies even more in their journey to becoming powerful, and full of prosperity and peace? Think if anything, I think you've covered lots of things. I mean, go Jane Fonda what


Lucy      25:35 

a question how can they work with us? Like, what would it look like working with us?


Dr Michelle   25:42 

So what would it look like for women to work with you?


Unknown Speaker  25:48 

Amazing, basically what


Jennifer Myers     25:55 

they do. So I know we actually work in a in a group coaching format. So it's not, you know, you get the three of the experienced brains around the table with the information. And you know, the guidance, but oh, my gosh, the group dynamic when we, we have a we have a 90 day group coaching program called the 90 day business blueprint. And it's fantastic to watch our participants or students, whatever you want to call them, begin to coach each other after a couple of sessions once they get comfortable. And I'm sure that you've experienced this too. And in various places, Michelle, but it's just the coolest thing for everyone around the table to be putting in suggestions, experience, you know, have you thought about, it's very rewarding.


Dr Michelle   26:42 

I mean, I tell my students all the time that I am truly an educator, meaning that I get goose bumps, I get overjoyed when my students don't need me anymore. And they're able to teach each other and I can just step back, and I'm just like all smiles like oh my god. You know, so I truly can relate to what you say that when you see people able to be there for each other within the group setting. That is most amazing feeling.


Carol Reed     27:18 

Because I guess the thing with that, too, is that you are asking, we have a q&a session every every two weeks as well. And, you know, you're asking questions that someone else may have thought of and hasn't, you know, quite articulated? Or, you know, you're asking something for some for a question right now, that doesn't doesn't matter right now, it doesn't have relevance right now. But the next week, it's like, oh, that question that they asked us so being on because, you know, so that's that whole kind of collective mindedness. You know, when we come into that collective space with our minds, then you know, we've got, we create a mastermind, a hive mind, and that hive mind, just really, you know, flows and starts to really, you know, you and you get really excited, you get really excited about what's going on you you start to see things differently. And there's that great saying isn't there by Wayne Dyer, when you when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. And that's just just how it is, you know, that's an absolute truth. And, and so yeah, you start to level up your life. And we just love saying that we love seeing people step into their real power, and so


Dr Michelle   28:22 

cool. So ladies, thank you so very much for joining us today and everyone in our listening audience. Remember that you are beautiful. And I look forward to seeing you for our next episode of Mommy, heal thyself until later.

Closing: Thank you for tuning in for this episode of Mommy Heal Thyself, if you liked what we're doing here, please share subscribe, like us and leave a comment. Your feedback is very much appreciated.


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Dr Michelle Gamble DN

DR. MICHELLE GAMBLE, DN is an author, educator, mentor, and speaker who specializes in assisting persons with chronic illness to heal themselves so they can break free from pain and frustration and live with power, protection, promise, purpose, promise, prosperity, and peace. She has been a professional educator for over 25 years and a natural health care provider for over 15 years. Dr. Gamble is also the mother of five children. She travels globally and around the country speaking and consulting with individuals and groups.

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